Friday, October 24, 2014

Wait for the LORD

“For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.”
Psalm 37:9 (NIV)

When we see evil men flourish in their endeavors, we wonder why they advance and strong believers flounder. What we forget is that what we see is not the full picture. We see only what’s in front of us. We don’t know what will come to them or to us in the future. Our pastor recently gave an illustration about this. “We watch a parade. We can only see what happens right before us; what we don’t see is the beginning or the end.” I remember accompanying my husband to the Indianapolis 500 race shortly after we were married. We sat in the infield in one of the corners of the track. All we could see was what happened in that short span of space.

God’s Word tells us to ‘wait for the LORD’ (Psalm 27:14, NIV) by waiting we might learn we don’t really want that job that someone else got. Maybe, we can’t really do what needs to be done. God might have something else in mind for us.

When we wait on the LORD, we allow Him to be in control.  


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