Tuesday, October 21, 2014



A Journey of Greif and Grace 
By Mary Potter Kenyon

Mrs. Kenyon allows her readers into her personal journey of grief. She started this trip when she lost her mother. The grief intensified when she lost her husband, a Cancer survivor, to a heart attack. Her walk through grief became very complex when she lost her 8 year old grandson to a rare form of Cancer.

Mary bares hear soul when she tells of the anguish of losing her dear David, after almost 34 years of marriage. Their experience with David’s Cancer had brought them closer together than they had been in sometime.

Because she had three daughters still at home, Mary had to choose to grieve quietly, crying when no one was around.
Her grandson, Jacob, was first diagnosed when he was a small child. At this time David was going through Cancer treatments. Mary couldn’t ‘be there’ for her daughter and her son-in-law. Jacob's Cancer came back shortly before David died. Mary couldn't help care for her other granchildren due to her being emotionally unhealthy. Jacob battled Cancer for 2 ½ years.

After David had experienced chest pains for a few days, their oldest son convinced Mary and David to get to an ER. David had surgery to correct what had causes the heart attack. On the way home from the hospital, David told her how bad he felt for Jacob. He voiced the idea that if he was taken away and Jacob could stay here, it would be all right by him. Two days later, Mary found the love of her life dead in his recliner.

In spite of all the difficult times Mary faced, God was with her, teaching her about Himself. She eventually started Bible studies to help people going through their own grief processes to learn more about how God is there for them.

I would recommend this book, for pastors, for any grief counselor, anyone who does visitation, anyone who has been or is going through the loss of a loved one.

Mary Potter Kenyon has also written Chemo-therapist: How Cancer Cured a Marriage. A book telling how she and David found ways to brighten their marriage. And Coupon Crazy. A book that helps people stretch their funds in this tough economy.

I read about this book in a Yahoo Group I
Belong to and her Facebook Author’s page. She was seeking reviewers to assist in the launching of this book. All she asked me to do was read it.     



  1. Thank you for sharing this book and this dear woman's testimony of faith and grace with us. I pray her book will be a beacon for others going through difficult trials and tribulations in life. Where would any of us be without the comforting grace of God?

    1. Pam:You're welcome. Just reading her author's page and listening to her book trailer told me I needed to read this book and share it with others. In my faith community, we have had several women suddenly loose their husbands. I hope to be able to share this book with them.

  2. Thanks for sharing this book and the author's faith journey through grief and life.

    1. Tyrean: Thank you for stopping by. She is a very transparent author. I just listened to the book trailer for her book about her husband's and her journey through his time of having Cancer. Very well done.

  3. What a horrible time to have to walk through for this lovely lady. Thank God for God! He never lets us go.

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for your thoughts. God actually taught her and spoke to her while she was going through this time of grief.


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