Monday, November 10, 2014

Book Review: Breakthrough Faith By Larry Sparks


               Larry Sparks delves into the topic of our faith and how we need it to grow.  He spent time in research, recommending, at the end of each chapter, books that deal with energizing our faith.   

               He begins with the story of the four men who carried their friend to Jesus and lowered that friend through the roof in order that Jesus heal him. Then, I notice the author brings in a lot of other issues in regard to faith and healing. And then, he'd briefly come back to the story of the four friends and their faith. He seemed to do  this repeatedly.

               I had a difficult reading this book. It seemed, at times, I had to reach a considerable distance above my head in order to understand what he wrote. Then, suddenly he would be writing on my level.

I can only recommend this book to clergymen. The majority of the people I worship with would find this a difficult book to digest.

I received this book through The Book Club Network. All they asked me to do was read it and then write an honest review.


  1. Hi Cecelia! Thank you for your always honest review of the books you have here. Some of them really are for clergy, and that's okay. I'm sure the books at my level would put them to sleep!
    Happy Monday :)

    1. Ceil: This was an especially hard read for me. I don't know why. Thanks for stopping in. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. I LOVE honest reviews like this. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what you thought of this book.

    Happy Day!

    1. Jean: Thank you for stopping in and for your comment. I found this one very tough to follow. I pray the next one I choose from this site will be easier.

  3. I appreciate your candid review. I'd not heard of this book. Looks like it might be a good one to check out of the library before purchasing - if anyone thought they might be interested. Sometimes I will do that if I see mixed reviews. That way I can look it over before committing to buying it. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Karen, for stopping in.Also thank you for your wonderful idea about getting a book from the library before purchasing a book-especially if it gets mixed reviews. Blessings to you and yours.


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