Friday, November 7, 2014

Study—A discipline/RJD November 2014

Journal entry April 14, 1997

Today’s scripture reading, Philippians 4:8-9, causes me to stop and think.

“Whatever is true:” I shared some information ‘as I saw it’ yesterday evening about two different situations that I was aware of. One concerned an elderly lady who kept violating confidences and reacting to her surroundings. The other lady only came to God on her terms and as long as it didn’t hurt her to worship God, if she felt she had to change then she {stayed away and} came back in times of crisis and only on her terms (looking at the problem, not to God.)

Were these things actually true?

Whatever is noble:” I looked up a scripture for a close friend; I gave her an interpretation that helped me understand the fact of our being commanded to love one another. She thanked me for the note.

Did God think these thoughts noble?

“Whatever is right:” As a Christian, I want to do the right thing and I want the right words to come out of my mouth. I also want to see the right thing come to pass for those whom I pray for as well as my family.

I don’t know if I always follow through, only God knows.

“Whatever is pure” I know God is the only Pure One. I strive to be pure in thought, word, and action. I know that God will forgive me when I fail.
   Have I failed God on this point?

“Whatever is lovely:” I strive to be kind, gentle, patient, loving, friendly, and joyful.

               Does God see my strivings and does He approve?

“Whatever is admirable:” Admiration is not something that is negative. Envy and coveting are negative. Admirable thoughts and words are uplifting and they stay with us and always make us feel better.

“–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–:” These qualities have to come from God. He is the One who deems us worthy of praise.
               Have I done my duty as a Christian to merit these descriptive words?

“think on these things:” We have to have our hearts in tune with God before we can get our thoughts together on these qualities of heart.

               I wrote this seventeen years ago. I still believe I have to ask these questions as I go through the process of trying to grow in the LORD.

               As a part of my striving to grow in the LORD, I am spending part of this weekend at a                simulcast of a retreat for women.

               Sometimes, we find ourselves ‘stalled out,’ not growing, with everything feeling stale. Nothing seems right. We can’t get interested in things going on around us. It is then we need to take the time to go to the LORD and ask Him to help us through these ‘down’ times.

llinking to:/enthusiasticallydawn


  1. Excellent questions and thoughts to challenge ourselves with daily and/or regularly! Our walk of faith needs to be a continual alertness to asking ourselves about our choices, thoughts etc. and also alertness to His presence keeps us pondering and and ready to say, "I'm sorry Lord, I know that I need to change my attitude right now". A continual awareness of His presence is what these words will bring. Thanks, Cecelia. Hope you are blessed in your retreat. Do share after!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. I find in interesting that these words still carry weight for me after all this time. I just had a conversation with a dear close friend about circumstances we find ourselves up against in life. We can't always do anything about those issues, except pray. By allowing God to intervene, we adopt the right attitude.

  2. I love the line where you say, "I don't know if I always follow through, only God knows". It struck such a chord in me. Doing what is right, and knowing GOD alone knows what is right. There's comfort in that, isn't there? There's also a sense of urgency in being right with Him. I'm both convicted and encouraged here. Thanks.

    1. Carolyn: Thank you for stopping in, I am learning to look at what I do and what I say with God's eyes. Sometimes, it can be painful. Blessings to you and yours.

  3. Your words and questions will be among those we ask for the rest of our lives. As we go from glory to glory, continually exchanging the old for the new, He will be forever faithful to answer us. Thankful He is forever faithful to change us!

    1. Thank you Jeannie; As we grow in the Lord, we will find that we can look at the issues that come to us through God's eyes. He sees things so much clearer than we do. Blessings to you and yours.

  4. Such a good yardstick for all of us. Especially now in this cyber age of instant info and communication!

    1. Thank you Susie: I find it to be a good yardstick for me as I talk to friends and neighbors. We really can't take back what we misspeak.

  5. As ever...I am inspired by your reflections on a Scripture...what a rich discipline and thank you for being honest about the down times...the come and go over here too and I thank God for always being with me and faithfully reminding me that these qualities come from Him!

    1. Thank you Kel. God takes care of us in those down times. One of my favorite gospel songs tells me, "The God of the mountain is still God in the valley." Blessings to you and yours.

  6. What a wonderful reminder today. I actually have a little plaque on my desk with those verses written on it. I keep it there to remind me to think about those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable...excellent, praiseworthy. I need to look at it more often and not allow myself to get sucked into conversations online that are not noble, etc. Thank you for this reminder. Very timely.

    1. Pam: We talked about this last night at midweek worship. I believe it came up during a discussion on gentleness. It makes me stop and think when I talk to my friends,family, and neighbors. Blessings to you and yours.


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