Friday, February 6, 2015

Consider: Faith in the Storms of Life RJD Feb. 2015

Journal Entry- February 7, 2004

See: Mark 4:35-41

               Jesus and his disciples set out in a boat, crossing the lake. A storm develops; the disciples panic. Jesus was in the rear portion of the boat asleep. The disciples woke Him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus called out to the storm, rebuking it. The wind calmed down in an instant. Jesus then asked if they still lacked faith. The disciples became terrified. “Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

               In our lives we have times of trial, those storms of life. In this story we see two ways to react to them. The disciples feared and fretted. They went out of fear to Jesus, asking for His help. Jesus approached, confronted, and pacified the storm.

               We should learn early on in our walk with Christ that we can trust Him to handle any storm that comes our way, no matter how severe, no matter how quickly one appears.

UPDATE: This journal entry is eleven years old. But, as I reflect on the story, I realize I read of people in our world responding to storms as the disciples did or worse. Conversely, every week, at church, I witness people responding in faith to a need or asking in faith for God’s guidance. Every so often, I hear people giving praise to Him for His presence with them.
               Christian believers have learned that Jesus is with them when those storms of life present themselves. Let’s all give praise to God for His Son’s presence with us.       


  1. I think we cannot stress enough the importance of spending time getting to know our God. Thankfully journaling gives us that outlet. To know Him and to learn to trust Him so that when those storms come we are secure in the knowledge that He carries us high upon HIs shoulders, calling us Beloved, entreating us to snuggle in close to His heart as He carries us through the fires and floods. Praising Him with you!

    1. Jeannie: Thank you for your insightful comments. I started journaling in order to find perspective into a large circumstance in my life. I decided then to pursue writing but chose to let discouragement get me down. I stopped and came back to it several times. But journaling brought me closer to God. I still journal all these years later. Because it STILL brings me closer to God.

  2. Oh to trust Him more fully every day, in every circumstance and storm of know that He is already there...calming the waves and preparing the way before us...even when we think He's asleep in the bottom of the boat...He's actually piloting our ship! Praise God! He never fails us...He never changes...He's always there! Amen!

    1. Pam: I thank you for your thoughts. I need to be reminded of these things on a daily basis.

  3. Cecilia,

    This is an amazing reminder to look to Him, and not begin to believe the fears that threaten to overtake us. I agree that we need to praise Him for all He is and for who He is. This also serves to show me that we have a choice to react in fear or in faith. We can't respond both ways. We have to decide to call to Him and trust that He has this.

    1. Deanna: I thank you for your heartfelt thoughts here. I soometimes 'blow it' and I thank you for the reminder of faith or fear- we can't respond ways,

  4. Sandi: Thank you for your kind assent.

  5. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. There are so many kinds of storms: physical, relational, not to mention actual storms, and lately it feels like we've been hit by all of them. The boat's swaying. But you come along (with your quiet spirit) so timely, and say LOOK at me. STOP fretting (living by fear). BE still and live by faith. HE is Jesus. That's right, He is Jesus, He calms the storm. Thank you.

    1. Carolyn: Thank you for your heart-warming comments. And you are welcome!

  6. This is so true isn't it? We are learning to see God in the storm rather than just begging Him to rescue us out of the storm.

    1. Susie: Thank you for your thoughtful observation.Yes we need to see Jesus in the storm with us. HE is there right beside us

  7. I have found that it has taken many years and not too few storms to not respond exactly as the disciples did in the boat...I have also found that what I see in those stories in the Bible are reflections of myself...and again and again the Lord, guiding me into deeper understanding of my own lack and His complete sufficiency. Grateful for Him, His patience, His mercy and His Holy SPirit. All praise to Jesus! As always appreciating your offering, Cecelia!

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We have a God who desires for us to lean on Him as we go through those storms of life.

  8. Cecelia- I am always encouraged by how you approach God's word and apply it to life...I agree it's an important lesson to learn early on that we can trust Jesus in the storms of life...I praise Him with you today for His constant presence in our lives!

    1. Kel: Thank you for your warm thoughts. He is with us each day of our lives, if we let Him be there with us..


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