Monday, June 15, 2015

Book Review: Be The Light Vol.2 By Denise Rezsonya

In her prologue, she sets out why she thinks it is important for believers to bring light into the world. I found this book to be something that every family or church youth group should study.

The body of Denise’s book consists of 24 short essays each of which deal with a topic that affects the youth of today. At the end of each essay she shares two relevant scriptures and then asks three questions that apply to the topic. The neat part of this book is she had included a quantity of blank lines after the questions. Each youth has the opportunity to journal his or her answers to the questions and write further about the issues brought out by the essay.

The range of topics Denise has chosen for this volume range from character to sin to peer pressure to and loss.

               I recommend this book to youth pastors, youth leaders, and youth Sunday school teachers, as a way to open discussion on subjects that we of the older generations have thought were self-explanatory. I also see this book being used as a tool at a youth retreat or youth camp.
Be The Light Volumes 1 and 2 are currently available on Amazon. 

               I received a PDF of this book from the author. All she asked was that I give an unbiased, impartial review.


  1. We are to "be the light" in this dark world. Sometimes our own light gets dim, and we need to refuel by drinking in more of God's Word and His Light. This sounds like a wonderful tool to help Christian young people realize their true place in this be Light-Bearers. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. Yes, we are to 'be the light' to our world. Yesterday, at church, one of my friend's grandson gave the Children's Moments message. I have known this young man since he was born. He held the attention of the children and gave an excellent meditation. This young man is 19 years old.

    2. Thanks for the review. Appreciate your thoughts about the book. Have a good week!


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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