Friday, June 12, 2015

Interview with Denise Rezsonya

Denise M. Rezsonya

            Today, I have the pleasure of introducing a new writing friend of mine. She is a ‘neighbor’ of mine, living two towns to the west of me. She gives very special gift to the younger generation through her writing.

            Hello, Denise, I invited you here today to share a little about yourself , your writing and a bit about your family.

          Q.S:How did you start to write?

D.R: As soon as I was old enough to read, I started writing.  I don't remember a time that I wasn't writing as a child.  My dream growing up was to be a journalist and an author but life took me down another path for the first 20 years of my professional career.

Q.S: What is your chosen genre?

D.R: At this point in my life, all of my writing is faith-based non-fiction.  In the past, I wrote fiction and poetry.

Q.S:Do you have any favorite authors?

D.R: I love Karen Kingsbury.  She is my favorite because her writing is inspirational and a "light read." At this point I only read inspirational/faith-based novels.

Q.S:Tell us about your family?

D.R:I have been married to my husband, Dave, for 15 years and have two children.  Michelle is 12 and Matthew is 10.

Q.S:Do you have any hobbies or do collections?

D.R: As a family we really enjoy camping, so that's probably the biggest hobby I have.  I also like to go to the gym and spend as much time with my kids as I can.  I used to have tons of books but we moved so much as a kid that I no longer have them, so no collections currently. This is such a bummer, as I loved my books -they were prized possessions growing up. 

Q.S: Can you tell us about your latest writing projects? 

D.R: My two volumes of Be The Light are short devotional thoughts for teens and tweens. 

Thank you, Denise for your dedication to spreading the Word of God to the upcoming generation.

Q.S: Where can someone find your books?

Be The Light Volumes 1 and 2 are currently available on Amazon. 


  1. Hi Denise and Quiet Spirit -

    Thanks for the interview. It's always interesting to see how other writers got started on this path.

    God bless,
    Susan :)

    1. Susan: Thank you for stopping by. I, too, enjoy finding out about writers and their beginnings. Denise is a fellow Hoosier and that makes her story that much more interesting for me.

    2. Thank you, Susan! I am so honored to share my faith through writing for Him. May you be blessed! Denise

  2. Thank you for sharing this interview. It is interesting to learn about other writers...I can empathize with Denise about having too many books for too many moves...that's what happened to our "library" as well...we moved too often and books are quite heavy. Denise' books sound wonderful for young people. Some of us "old people" need to have a refresher course in being "the light" as well. Thank you Cecilia, and Denise, for this insightful interview.

    1. Pam: Thank you for stopping in. You are so right when you say "Some of us 'old people' need to have a refresher course in being "the light" as well. It's a shame that more of us 'old people'don't realize that. Blessings on you and yours.

    2. Thank you, Pam, for taking the time to comment! It is sincerely appreciated! I miss my books and would have loved to pass them down to my kids. Unfortunately with all of the electronics these days, they don't have the same appreciation for a hard-bound book. They really were my prized positions. Kept them in excellent condition and alphabetized :). Be blessed!


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