Monday, June 29, 2015

Book Review: What Keeps You Up At Night By Pete Wilson

               Pete Wilson, a pastor, has written an excellent book on what we can do to find peace when we pursue our dreams.
               Sometimes we believe we are at a loss because of our feelings of uncertainty due to unforeseen issues. Sometimes we find ourselves so defeated we want to just give up. Pastor Wilson gives those reading this book encouragement and hope to continue on toward our goals or dreams.

               At the end of each chapter, he has given a review. This section lists key ideas he has discussed, reflection questions, and a step or steps the reader can take to strengthen him or her in their quest toward their dreams.

               At the end of the book, I saw information about a Bible study based on this book. The Bible study delves deeper in each concept presented in this book.
               I found parts of this book so enlightening that I quoted certain passages in my blog entries. (Something I have not done before.)        
               I would recommend this book to anyone who struggles with finding his ministry in life. I would recommend it to anyone who is in a mentoring role especially with teens. It would be a good read for those who minister to those who find themselves on the fringes of society.

I received this book free of charge from Thomas Nelson and W Publishing Group through BookLook Bloggers. All they asked of me was that I give an honest, impartial review.


  1. Do you have a book published through them? I am about to go with Westbow for devotion book. I have heard Pete Wilson preach in person a few times. He is gifted by God.

    1. Becky: Thank you for stopping in. To answer your question, I do not have a book published by them. This is the second book of his I have read and reviewed. He has a gift of speaking to his reader in a way that makes his thoughts clear. Blessings on you and yours. Blessings on you efforts with your book.

  2. Thanks for the info about this book. It is one I might be interested in reading - so will check it out. Have a blessed week! :) .

    1. Karen: You're welcome. As I said, this is the only review book in three years that I have quoted from.

  3. Hi Cecelia! This sounds like a winner. And the author is also a gifted speaker? I'll have to look into this book, and the author. Thank you for introducing me to him!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your thoughts. I will have to do research and see where he has spoken and if he has any of his speeches on Youtube.

  4. Thanks for the book review, Cecelia. Other than the Bible, I don't read a lot of non-fiction. This seems like it might be a good resource.

    1. Susan: Thank you for your thoughts. God directs us to what we need.

  5. Thanks for the tip Cecelia, I will order it, it sounds great and I might use it to help others!

    1. Marja: Thank you for stopping in. May God continue to bless you and your husband in your ministries for Him.


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