Friday, June 26, 2015

The Outcome of Prayers

               People who pray don’t always know how God will answer their requests. I have two friends who have specific requests for their children but do not know how God will answer them.

               One of them, an online writing friend, summed it up this way: “We are placing ourselves and this need in the grace and mercy of God”

               My other friend, a local lady, has asked for prayer about her son’s legal circumstance. She and I are praying and waiting for God to intervene in this situation.

               We all have circumstances in our lives to which we don’t know the outcome. We can only see what is in front of us. Another friend says it this way: “Only God can see around corners.”

               My thought on this is that we can only see a small segment of what God sees; we see a pixel and He sees the big picture.

               As I stated in another blog entry, we have to trust God. This means we have to trust Him with our prayers and what He does with them. Sometimes, we don’t get the outcome we desire but we have to remember that God is sovereign and He can do what He wants to with our prayers and even with us.

               I am praying for a request for myself and a request for my church. There again, I can only trust the LORD for His answer and His resolution of my concerns.


  1. Hi Cecelia,

    We will add your prayer requests to our family prayers this week - and you are so right... we never know how God will handle our prayers, but as my Mother-in-law says, "Prayer conquers all."

    Have a great weekend - and thanks *as always,* for the inspirational posts :)

    1. Thank you, Mark. I appreciate it.OUr son is coming in today. We decided he shouldn't come for Father's Day. So we will have a small celebration this weekend.

  2. May the Lord hear and answer your prayers in accordance with His sovereign will. He is already sending His answers to you...but sometimes we have to wait to see the results taking place. Thank you for sharing these with us. We will pray too. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday with your loved ones and friends.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your thoughts and for your prayers, God is faithful, even when we are not. Last Sunday I found myself asking another woman some hard questions about a circumstance that keeps returning to her family's life. She then embarrassed her teenage daughter. I fel the daughter would never come back to church again. Today, they both were there. The mother told me she thought about what I had asked her. She gave me an answer that she was afraid. to do as I had inquired.I need to keep praying for them. Thanks for your concern and your friendship.


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