Monday, July 6, 2015

God Sustains Us

“Cast your burdens on the LORD and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.”
Psalm 55:22 (NASB)

      Cast: Fishermen cast their lines into the water in order to place their bait near the nests of fish. A few years ago, I tried to learn to fish. I had to hold my rod at arm’s length and bring it forward, manipulating my shoulder and at the same time clicking the button on the reel. My goal was to place the bait a considerable distance away from where I was.   
               When David penned these words, he probably had seen commercial fishermen casting the nets of their trade across the water as they plied their trade.

               Burdens: What does David mean here? A burden is anything that weighs us down. What might look like a burden to the world may be a normal part of life to one of God’s children. The secret to a Christian’s outlook is that he or she can do all things through Christ.

               Sustain:  This term simply means ‘stand’. In a court of law, one side of the case or another might object to a question asked by the other side or a response given to a question, again by the other side. The judge can either allow that objection to stand (sustain) or disallow it (overrule.)

                God, in His infinite mercy, listens to our concerns. When we allow Him to take them from our hearts and minds, He gives us strength to do what He desires from us.

               When we are able to give our concerns to Him, He protects us from harm. It is in our best interests to submit our concerns to our loving Father. Only He has the power to resolve them.


  1. Hi Cecelia! I wonder if you caught any fish when you tried it for the first time? I have not fished much, and it can be frustrating!
    I'm glad that we are encouraged to throw away whatever hold us down. Life was not meant to be a burden, but a joy, no matter what the circumstances. It's taking me a lifetime to appreciate that, that's for sure. But if I cast away what keeps me down, as you said, God will stand by me. He'll hold me up.
    Tuesday blessings,

    1. Ceil: Yes, I did catch some fish. I have found the conditions have to be just right in order for them to be biting. Yes, life is not meant to be a burden. We learn about the joy of life as we mature in Christ.


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