Wednesday, July 1, 2015

RJD July 2015: Thoughts, Trials, Update

I can hardly wait to use my new journal.

I recently had to purchase a new journal. Due to some time constraints, I couldn’t go across town to the office supply store or don’t have a lot of energy. I went to CVS. I saw two that I liked I chose the bigger one at the side here because it has a ribbon bookmark. Of course, it being teal, my favorite color, didn’t hurt. The smaller one is the one I have been using this year; I gave it a name- Biblical Insights. [When I complete the smaller one, I am ready to begin the larger one.]

Journal Entry March 8, 1998
Trials Will Come

               Spurgeon states that, “It was never in God’s design for His people to be untried.” The book of James tells me, “Consider it pure joy when you experience trials of many kinds,” (James 1:2) he concludes with, “the testing of your faith develops perseverance, perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:3)

               Yes, God does test His children; he tests us for our own good. If we weren’t tested, we wouldn’t gain spiritual insight into our world and we would never know God for who He is. We would never know to rely on Him in times of stress, especially from the world. I would have caved in this past Thursday, if I hadn’t known God would listen and take care of a situation and He has! Thank You, Lord.

               I love it when God works things out. In the above entry, I wrote of vexing circumstances that creep into our lives. I cannot remember what situation God stepped into on my behalf back then. Whatever it was, He made it right. Praise the Lord.


  1. Hi Cecelia! I really like the color on your new journal too. Almost makes you want to write extra just so you can start it!
    Isn't it amazing that what was so pressingly important years ago, just melts in the memory now. Yet, we know that God was faithful. It's so great that you can use your journals to praise and thank the Lord. That's the kind of prayer He really likes!
    Have a great 4th of July, and enjoy singing in the parade :)

    1. Ceil: I started using my now journal yesterday, July 1st. I thought that was a good day to begin. Yes, it is amazing that God erases from His memory and ours the things that concern us. Praise the LORD.

  2. Thanks for sharing your entry for Random Journal Day!! I love how God erases the "bad things" from our memories just as he wipes them away from His!! Sometimes I read back over my journal entries and wonder what it was I was referring to in them...other times it's very clear since I spelled it our in words that I would not (could not) forget!! But, knowing God erases those memories...makes me now want to just write in general that I was having a bad day or whatever so I don't have to remember!!

    1. Barbara, thank you for stopping by. I have found that sometimes God allows me to remember something troublesome that I went through but has taken away the hurt. I believe He does this to help me minister to a person going through a similar difficult time. Blessings to you and yours,

  3. Hi Cecelia, there was a time when I was experiencing a lot of stress and I used to record everything in my journal. When I look back at those entries now, they seem so distant, as if they'd happened to another person. That's the way God wipes away our hurts and disappointments, and He did it for you. Have a safe and wonderful fourth!

    1. Thank you, Angela. It is amazing that what we once considered a big deal in our lives becomes something we can't remember when God works on our hearts. Blessings to you and yours

  4. I love the journal you chose!
    Tests aren't fun, but they do show us what's inside. Usually I say, "Oh, yuck!" But I need to know, or I can't work with the Holy Spirit to grow.
    Happy 4th!

    1. Thank you, dear Jeanette, Spurgeon once said," It was not God's design for the Christian life to be untested." I can relate to that. Any one who believes in God and follows Jesus has gone through testing. If we are not tested, we don't grow. Blessings on you any yours.

  5. This truth is an important point for the wave of easy believism popular and promoted in culture today. Trials are what make us solid as followers, able to persevere and trust with confidence and unwavering hope. I can't believe i am admitting it so freely , but it is true. He uses all things...for our good, and in accordance with His will to conform us to the image of His Son. Amen. THanks for linking up to Random Journal Day , Cecelia.

    1. Daawn:Thank you for stopping by. Also thank you for your warm comment. We will be tested berfore we leave this earth.

  6. Those journals are pretty! Nice journals like that make me want to write neatly. :) I am thankful that the Lord took care of your situation.He is faithful!

    1. Thank you, Karen. Yes, He is faithful. Yes, I am writing neater than before.

  7. It's so nice to meet you! I love to journal, almost daily. Then I love to look back to see how God worked out whatever I was concerned about. :)

    1. Terri: I started writing in order to gain perspective about my life. I returned to it whenever I deal with issues I faced.. I mostly journal about God's word in my life. Thank you for stopping in. Blessings on you
      and yours.

  8. Cecelia- What better way to start a new month with a new journal and a favorite colored one, too! I heard this weekend that God gave us difficulties so that we would reach out to them. Your journal entry is a good reminder that God is faithful to bring joy out of our trials!

    1. Kel: Thank you for stopping by. I always thing of Andre Crouch's song, "Through It All"

      "If we didn't have problems, we wouldn't know God could solve them." and "I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in my Lord. I've come to depend on His Word."

      Blessings on you and yours.

  9. Looking for the creeds we talked about oh, about 100 yrs ago. Can I still get to them?

    1. PJ: We, as a nation, need to practice the good habits and creeds of the generations that came before us. We, as a people, need to practice more of what Jesus taught and teaches through the Word,


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