Monday, August 3, 2015

Discipline Hurts

From our garden in 2013.

“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—
it hurts. But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living 
for those who are trained in this way.”
Hebrews 12:11 (NLT)

               When I was a child, I got my share of discipline. As a young child, I got spanked. When I got older, my parents grounded me. When I was in high school, I misunderstood what my mother told me and I went over to my friend’s house. She figured out where I was; called and told me to get home.

               She grounded me. At that time, I had a boyfriend whom I had to tell that I could only see him when we went someplace with my parents. I never had the courage to ask him what he thought of that arrangement. Looking back, I don’t know what was worse, being grounded at seventeen or having to tell my boyfriend.

               As I got older I learned, that my parents disciplined me because they loved me. At the time of this story, children and teens did not back talk their parents or they were in bigger trouble.

               When God disciplines us, we can’t argue with Him. He is sovereign and can do what He wants to get our attention. When we step outside of line with His plan for us, we need to realize that He will deal with us because of how much His loves us



  1. No one wants to be disciplined, but afterwards we often see WHY it happened. I was disciplined by my parents, and I am thankful for it!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your thoughts.As we mature in Christ we understand more of WHY he chooses the actions He chooses. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh yes! How He loves us! So thankful for that loving firm hand of discipline from God and our Godly parents. We were privileged to have such parents to help guide our lives into the right direction...and also privileged to know the GOD WHO loves us and who lovingly guides our lives into HIS perfect plan! Thank you for this today. Right on!

    1. Pam: We are " privileged to know the GOD WHO loves us and who lovingly guides our lives into HIS perfect plan!" I have often heard believers ask the question. :How do those who don't know Jesus deal with hard times and make their way through them?" Sometimes those difficult times are part of God's discipline.God allows difficult things to happen in order to get that person or those persons to come to Him.

  3. God's discipline is always timely and accurate and man's is not always. You have a lovely blog, such an inspiring post. Thank you so much for sharing, and God bless you.

  4. Linda: Welcome to my blog. Thank you for your thoughts. Feel free to stop in when you can. I usally post on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  5. Discipline is painful, but not as painful as going our own way!

    1. Jeanette; I have seen those who didn't accept discipline face harder and, yes, shorter lives.

  6. Ah, discipline... With three boys under the age of nine, discipline is an important part in our house.

    I have decided that I don't need to be the friend of my sons, I need to be their father and while it may "harm" their view of our relationship, I'm strong in the knowledge that *one* day in the future they will realize why I did what I am doing today.

    1. Mark: I say, "Praise the LORD!" The idea that parents need to be friends with their children has hurt a who generation.maybe more, of kids. Their view of your relationship will change as they grow up. Enjoy your time with them as it quicly passes.


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