Thursday, August 27, 2015


After a few weeks of feeling beat, I have decided I need to unplug from blogging.  I have some 'home' projects I need to attend to and can't find the right time to work on them.

I will pop back in to check for responses to my posts but I will not be posting anything here until Monday September 7, 2015.

I intend to  spend my time, getting ready for fall by going through my clothes and my household items and donating them to our church's rummage sale the weekend after Labor Day.

My reasons are because of health, both physical and mental. I deal with some depression and I want to stay on top of things as the season changes.

I trust you will understand.


  1. Aloha:)

    Having been there, and done that (I can sell you a T-shirt, if you need an extra one :) the only thing I feel qualified in saying is that I wish you travel mercies (mental and physical) and take as much time as you need.

    Gather your strength in body and mind - and then kick some booty when you're up for it :)

  2. Totally understand. Thank you for letting us know. I'll be praying for you as you rest, recuperate, and recharge. Take your time. We'll be here waiting. I haven't been quite as active lately either. Busy at work, home, and just plain tired. Fall helps to re-energize me, so I am praying that will happen this year. May God's peace be your peace, and may you be renewed day by day. blessings.

  3. Hi Cecelia! I hope you will relax and rejuvenate, and feel much better. I love Pamela's comment, and join her in my hopes that you will come to God's peace and renewal.
    I'll be here when you return, whenever that is,

  4. Enjoy your time of R&R. My post today (8/31) tells how I re-charge after a big project. :)


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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