Monday, September 7, 2015

Come and Rest

Today is Labor Day. I found this scripture and thought I would share it in honor of those who work to keep our families safe, strong, and going.


“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 (KJV)

               Jesus Christ beckons us into his presence. The invitation to “Come” is extended to all who work—at whatever job we have. He promises us a reward when we do go into His presence; that reward is rest.

               Certain jobs are more strenuous than others are. Some jobs require technical skills. Others are service related and deal directly with the public. All these types of jobs have their own stresses--physical, emotional, or mental. 

               Our LORD gives us rest and relaxation as only He can. He invites us to recline against His chest and relax while He sooths us with His words, as He sings over us. (Zephaniah 3:17)

               In this process, we have to do our part; we have to follow Jesus’ words “Come to me.” In addition, allow Him to minister to us. We accomplish this by listening and surrendering our will to Him.

               As long as we do not submit to Jesus, we continue to feel weary and burdened by all the things that confront us.


  1. I am SO thankful for our Lord, Who beckons us to come unto Him and rest...I have taken advantage of that offer many times, and probably will many more times in the years ahead. There is such blessed peace in submitting to Him and resting on His shoulder. Perfect peace. Thank you for this reminder on this day that we have rested from our labors! I'll reflect on this again tomorrow when I go back to work!

    1. God speaks to us in the most unusual ways. I have been taking it easy due to a gastric upset that doesn't quite leave me. I have done a lot of resting over the Labor Day weekend. I appreciate your thoughts on this passage. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. I've been thinking about the rest Jesus is talking about in this scripture. Appreciate you sharing this. Have a great week!

    1. As humans,we need to concentrate on the rest He gives us.In the past, I have gone and done things to the place I wore myself out,then have gotten very sick. I always look forward to hearing from you. Blessings to you and yours.


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