Monday, September 14, 2015

Perfect Peace

Jesus and the Children.

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.”
 Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)

               ”Thou wilt keep him. . .” The prophet Isaiah speaks these words to God. He states a certainty; he believes in these words. He does not say “Thou might” or “Thou should” He tells the LORD. “Thou wilt.” This is the beginning of a faith statement.

               “. . . in perfect peace. . .” Did you hear it? Isaiah says perfect peace. How many things in our lives are perfect? The LORD is the only perfect person ever to walk this earth. I know there is nothing in my life, except my relationship with Jesus, comes close to being perfect, but Isaiah tells us we can have perfect peace. 

               “. . . whose mind is stayed on Thee.” This is the secret to having peace in our daily lives. When things bother us, we look at others; we become upset, nervous, or even angry. We do better in this area if we look to Jesus.

               This is a learned response. It is not in our human nature to look to the LORD. Our human heart tells us to get angry and strike back at the other person or persons. For us to fall into this habit is to allow the enemy to guide our lives.


  1. Oh to keep my mind stayed on Him. Oh to block out all the other voices that keep drawing me away from His peaceful presence. Thank you for this reminder of the way to find "perfect peace". Help me, Lord, to keep my mind fixed on You! Amen.

  2. I love this encouraging Scripture, and I love how you broke it down with bold statements. Thanks for this helpful post.

    1. Jeanette: I enjoy the way God leads me to do things like this. When I choose to keep my eyes on Him, i do respond to outside issues better.


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