Friday, September 11, 2015

Learning to be Content


“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am. Therewith to be content.”
Philippians 4:11(KJV)

               The Apostle Paul shares a very important thought here. Because he learned contentment in any state he found himself, he could endure house arrest and imprisonment.

               In my past, events and conditions dictated how I responded to others. When I had both physical and emotional pain, I could not control how I felt. Once, I had a supervisor tell me she decided I was not angry at her. At that time, I did not know how to counteract my resultant moods. It has taken me a long time to realize that Jesus can, take care of the negative things that beset me, if I allow him to.
               In my reading for pleasure, I am reading a book called Letters from Le Anne. In this book the authors, Jill Beran and Le Anne Anderson begin a friendship when Jill coaches Le Anne’s daughter in basketball. The friendship grows from a mentor/mentee relationship. Le Anne, the mentor, tells Jill that Everything God allows and does happens for a reason. Ergo,a believer learns to accept the state he or she is in.

               I only wish I had learned this way of thinking in my younger years.


  1. " ...I only wish I had learned this way of thinking in my younger years."

    He makes all things new and can redeem those years.

    1. Sandi: Yes, He does make all things new. Yes, He does redeem those years, Thank you for your input,

  2. Hi Cecelia! I do think our moods speak to our actions. Gaining control of negative feelings is a life work, I think. May God continue to bless us both with His powerful grace to be the joyful people He wants us to be.

    1. Thank you, Ceil. Mastery of negative feeling IS, as you say, a life's work.Blessings on you and yours.


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