Friday, April 8, 2016

He Will Not Abandon Us


“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.” Ps. 16:9-10 (NIV)

This is a continuation of my previous post.
               “my heart is glad” When we have lightened hearts, we are relieved from our worry. The first time we took our infant son to the children’s hospital, to see one of his doctors, I tensed with fear. The doctor did one action and then said one sentence and my fear seemed to melt away in an instant. I had never experienced anything like that.

               “my tongue rejoices” A few years ago, I kept a list of praiseworthy gifts God gave me. I received such a blessing by doing this; I did it a second year. I was not able to finish last year’s list. In addition, I did not start one this past January. The writer of one of the blogs I follow, Julie Sunne, lists her gifts of blessings at the end of each blog entry and has done this for at least five years-I believe she is close to 5,000 recorded gifts.

               “my body will rest secure,” When I cannot fall asleep, I find myself praying for those who have serious illnesses and their caregivers. I seek God’s wisdom on things that bother me. I lift up those who face tragedy-personal and national.

               “you will not abandon me to the grave” God will not throw away those that belong to Him. He will not ‘kick to the curb’ anyone who lives for Him. He does not ‘turn His back on’ anyone who seeks His comfort.
               Several years ago, I had a sticky circumstance come into our lives. This event embarrassed me; it made my husband uneasy and very vocal about his feelings on the issue. I had done nothing wrong. I did not want to share the particulars with my friends; however, when I did they all treated me with kindness and respect. I praise God for those dear friends. God did not abandon me; He comforted me even when certain people made me out to be the ‘bad guy.’

               “nor will you let your Holy One see decay.” God protected His Son, as He became sin for us. He will protect us, even as we enter the phase of life that takes us into His presence for all eternity.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment. We need to rely on the message that God is always with us, no matter what we face in our earthly life. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Hi Cecelia! I don't think I can be grateful unless I confess my blessings.
    Like you, I started to list the things I am grateful for, and then dropped it. I guess it just takes more dedication and intention then I have, which I am trying to work on this year. Sigh. I am a hard-headed one, that's for sure. Your blog friend has a great idea, adding them to her blog posts.

    1. Ceil: A friend of mine makes it a practice to verbally give praise to the LORD. I have been doing the same this year. Yes, giving thanks for or confessing our blessings is a part of showing gratitude for them. Blessings to you and yours.

  3. My pastor's been teaching on fear versus faith. Worry, anxiety, and fear can be defeated by believing the promises of God. I've memorized several scriptures concerning fear and use them when it threatens to engulf me. As my focus stays on Him, the crisis passes.

    1. Susan: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Yes, as our focus stays on Him, the crisis passes. As we see things through His eyes, our perspective changes from fear of the circumstances to faith in Him and His actions.


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