Monday, April 11, 2016

I Will Praise You, O LORD

“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.” Ps. 9:1 (NIV)

               I love this verse. I find my heart singing the chorus someone set to music when I read these words.   We have so many things for which we can praise God.
               Did we awaken this morning after a restful sleep? Some people do not get to sleep until the sun comes up. Their sleep is not restful.
               Was our morning peaceful? Did we have issues face us as we started our day? In some places in our world, people woke to gunfire. We have a new noise in our house. Recently, we had a new sump pump installed in our basement. The next morning, I awoke to a rhythmic sound. I had to think about the source of the noise and not get excited. Hubby figured it out. 

               Do we have enough food in our homes? Do we have the resources to allow us to feed our families? Our area has been an economically depressed area for almost a decade. Our church’s food pantry is a growing ministry. There is a need in our community we, as a congregation, try to meet.
               Are our houses warm? I am cold natured. As I initially write this, I sit on our couch and have a doubled blanket over my legs. I keep a blanket on this couch because of my cold-nature. Hubby is just the opposite. However, when we come in from being gone for a while, our house is warm.  

               Do we have gasoline for our vehicles? Yes, having gasoline helps us get from point A to point B-to a job, to the grocery store, to church. In some parts of the world, gasoline is very expensive. The people walk or possible have bicycles to get their errands run.

               Are our children healthy? We sometimes take this issue for granted. I once had a woman tell me she was concerned about her daughter’s broken arm, until she thought of my caring for our son who had a congenital birth defect. (He deals with it quite well.)

               Did the sun shine this morning? I always find my day is better when I see the sunlight coming through my window and brightening living room.

               Did it rain in our town this morning? Rain affects my body and my spirit. It depresses me. However, I tell the LORD that I understand the rain cleanses the earth. We need rain for the crops to grow. In the years we did not have enough rain, our crops were not plentiful, and the farmers suffered as well as the rest of us. If we get too much rain, we have crops rot in the fields or gardens.

               When we look around at our immediate world, we see God’s hand as He cares for us. We should be thankful and we should tell others about His grace and mercy in what we see.      


  1. So many things to praise Him for! Every new day is such a blessing, regardless of the weather or other conditions of the world. We have breath to breathe and hope in our hearts for what the Lord will do in our lives each day. Learning to count our blessings is always a difficult lesson when we are struggling...but when we learn to praise Him even in the bad times He gives us joy in our hearts and hope for our future. Thank you for these reminders today.

    1. Pam: We have to praise the LORD if we love Him. One of the Psalms tells us to; "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Jesus told us: "If we don't praise God, the rocks will cry out." Please keep my Hubby in your prayers. He has an appointment with a specialist today. Hubby will be asking to have a surgical procedure.


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