Monday, April 4, 2016

Trust in the LORD

“Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” Ps. 37:1-3 (NIV)

               I find this passage very interesting. The message here can be timely. David tells us not to worry about those who do evil to others. He magnifies his guiding words by further saying we should not envy those who break laws—God’s laws or man’s.

               The shepherd king reminds us that evildoer’s time here on earth—as is every man or woman’s—is limited. People become weak through disease, lifestyle, or habits.

               Then David turns a corner in his message and advises his readers, including us, to trust in God. In addition, he tells us to do helpful, admirable, and uplifting things. He then, tells us to live in the land and appreciate the protection we have.

               In our 21st Century world, we do not see a lot of safety in the world. We have to trust in the LORD for the protection we do have. The world desires peace; lasting peace will come only when Jesus returns to reign on earth 


  1. Dear Cecelia: I recently memorized this whole chapter and it's been a huge comfort to me. Every time I'm tempted to fret over evil, the Lord reminds me to trust in Him. He will make things right in the end.

    1. Jen: We sometimes forget to trust Jesus. That's when we have Christian friends come along side us and help us look to Him. I receive encouragement from people just by their presence. Maybe it's a phone call or a text or an email. But we all sometimes need to be reminded of His strength. I was editing something today. I had misquoted John 16:33. I used the wrong tense of the verb overcome. My words said something like "I will overcome the world." The NIV says, "I have overcome the world." Big difference. And He has done that.


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