Saturday, October 8, 2016

Come, Find Rest

Image result for come to jesus

“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
 and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

“Come to me,” Jesus invites us to come. I get a mental picture of Jesus standing in front of a large group of people with his hands extended and saying, “Come.”

“all who are weary and burdened” Our Lord invites ALL to him. Those who have tired from the strain of their jobs, those who perform as caregivers, and those who find themselves mentally beat because of issues in their lives.

“I will give you rest,” Jesus promises that we will receive good from Him. For those of us who are spent from physical strain, mental stresses, and illness, He provides what we need. He vows to give us rest and relaxation.

“Take my yoke upon you,” As Jesus invites us, He wants us to draw near to Him. In the western movies, if a farmer had oxen as work animals, he yoked them together side by side. With the words Jesus uses here, I believe He wants those who need Him to stand close to Him.

“learn from me,” As we walk with Jesus, He imparts facts to us. These bits of information are for our better understanding of what we need to serve Him. We learn from Him each day. A saying from my early teen years comes to mind, “I count the day a loss if I don’t learn something new,” I will add that I count the day a loss if I don’t learn something new about Jesus.

“I am gentle and humble in heart,” This is the self-description our Lord gives of Himself. We have times when we need to hear a gentle and humble voice guide us through our anxiety. I received word that a cousin of mine has had her world drastically change. Her granddaughter died in a car wreck the end of August. This event brought on an onslaught of heartbreak for her. In addition, both of her brothers have medical issues. I visited the oldest brother at an area nursing home on Saturday.

“you will find rest for your souls.” I love this thought. I have learned if circumstances torment my soul, I cannot rest physically. When I cannot rest my body, I find I move slowly and react to things in a not so admirable way. I am praying about the needs my cousins face in their lives.

Also, please pray for our neighbor. He has had two weeks of trips to the hospital and was transported to a regional heart hospital for heart cath and implanting of pacemaker/defibrillator. He is a widower and his five children are quite concerned.Thank you.


  1. Hi Cecelia! How heartbreaking to hear about your cousin's granddaughter. I'm so glad you were able to visit her brother in the hospital. I know you were a gentle and humble presence for him. You were truly working in Jesus' behalf that day.

  2. Thank you, Cecelia. Sometimes it helps to break down scriptures like this - it enables me to better focus on the meaning and how it relates to our lives. Will join you in praying for those needs.


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