Saturday, October 15, 2016

God Guides the Humble

Image result for God's Guidance and Our humility

First of all, I feel the need to apologize for my not being faithful to my blogging schedule this week. My computer wouldn't allow me to access it. It seems an update corrupted two of my machine's basic files. It couldn't be helped. Our son called and wanted to e-mail me something and I had to remind him I was out of commission. Well, he emailed me a report on a situation he called about. He works with a computer and he knows how temperamental they can be. Again, I am sorry I couldn't be online this past week. I did spend time planning my blog topics for 2017. And I read a collection of print-outs I had saved and kept in a binder.

“He guides the humble in what is right
and teaches them his way.”
Psalm 25:9 (NIV)

            David wrote these words. We know he felt humble after the birth, and during the illness of Bathsheba’s first child. He prostrated himself before God as he sought healing for his child.

            The word humble has a special meaning attached to it. A humble person knows who God is and knows his or her place in relationship to who He is.

            God uses any avenue He can to speak to hearts. At times, He gets my attention when he allows something ‘difficult’ to enter my life. He speaks to a friend of mine through nature. Some hear His voice through Christian music. Others hear God speak through poetry.

            When God speaks, He teaches His children something He wants them to learn.

            How does God speak to you?


  1. Sometimes God speaks to me when things happen like what happened to you and your computer this past week. He gets my attention and says, "Look at ME...not your computer...and hear what I have to say to you"...Sometimes it is just a redirection of plans, purpose and thought process that He wants me to recognize. Sometimes it is just to be still and know that He is God, and to take time out to worship Him and focus on Him. "When God speaks, He teaches His children something He wants them to learn." Great message today. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful comment. He does rule the world and even cyberspace. I always learn something from the inconvenient events of life. Blessings on you and yours.

  2. God speaks to me through others. Quite often, I'll have a situation that's bothering me. And invariably, someone I meet "randomly" will make an observation or comment that speaks to my uppermost concern at the moment. That has to be God's work.

    Also, I'd like to recommend Angela Hunt's fictional account of the David and Bathsheba story. Title is Bathsheba: Reluctant Beauty. See it on Amazon:

    1. Emily: Thank you for your thoughts. Also, thank you for the suggestion of the book. I have had times when God spoke to me through others as well. Blessings.

  3. Hi Cecelia! I think you and I are on the same page this week!
    So sorry about your computer issues. It's so frustrating. But maybe God used that time to help you get organized, and I'm sure you feel much better about having a blogging direction now.
    Welcome back!

    1. Ceil: I thank you for your warm thoughts. I have had some time to plan and think. I look forward to where God is leading me. Blessings.


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