Monday, October 17, 2016

Humility Comes From Wisdom

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“Who is wise and understanding among you?
Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done
in the humility that comes from wisdom.”
James 3:13 (NIV)
            James, the earthly half-brother of Jesus, speaks words of truth and wisdom. He gives us a guideline by which we should live. We should live our lives carefully before others. There is a saying that tells me why we should live our lives in this way. The reason is that we may be the only Bible another person reads.

            We are to set examples to our children and those of younger generations, to our neighbors, to our neighbors, and to those with whom we do business.
            I had to get into see my doctor this morning. They had an emergency with one of their patients. While I was waiting my turn, two security guards walked into the waiting room. I had not seen anything like this in my life (excuse the cliché.) The medical assistant told me they had a problem. My doctor peeked in and told me they had an emergency. All I could do was listen and feel thankful that the office personnel was able to handle the circumstances. I did not worry about my safety. The staff seemed to have the situation under control. I praise God for the wisdom He gave those who work there and the calmness of spirit He gave me.

            I admit I sometimes fall short in this phase of my Christian walk. How do you do in this area?

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