Friday, January 20, 2017

God Will Refresh the Weary

January- Rest, Refresh

Image result for Jesus Refreshes the weary 

“This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says: “When I bring them back from captivity, the land of Judah and its towns will once again use these words ‘The lord bless you,
O righteous dwelling, O sacred mountain. ’I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Jeremiah 31:23, 25 (NIV)

            The very next verse tells us that God had visited Jeremiah as he slept. He tells us “My sleep had been pleasant to me.” Why did Jeremiah say this?

An End to the Exile,

            God tells him when, not if, He will bring the people back to Judah. God had planned on bringing His children back to the land He promised their ancestors.

            Even today, we go through hardships that seem to not have an end; however, all trials and tribulations do end. Some end as we like them, others according to God’s plan.

God’s Visions for Those Returning
            God tells Jeremiah that the people will remember to bless their homes and their land.
            In the most recent Advent-Christmas season, I heard it said that people were telling others “Merry Christmas” more than in the past. As a believer in Christ, I appreciated hearing this item of news. Some of us never stopped using the phrase as a greeting or a farewell thought.

God’s Promise and Provision

            God gives hope to Jeremiah and to us when he says, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Who among us has not been weary? Ask any new mother or any care-giving spouse what they might need. I believe any of them would say, Ä good night’s sleep,” or, “Some real rest.”
            Also, who among us has not felt weak to the point of exhaustion? I know a husband who seems to go for days at a time on minimal sleep. People recovering from surgery are given certain restrictions in order for them to regain strength.

            In this New Year, may we all learn to rely upon God more and may we feel the freedom to witness to those around us. May we feel His presence in our hearts and submit to His will for our lives.


  1. Thank you Cecilia, for these thoughts and insights about refreshing the weary. Lately I've been weary, and now am beginning to feel refreshed as God has been lifting some heavy burdens and bringing us new strength and peace. Still, learning to rest in Him each day is a challenge for me...but day by day He's showing me the way. Thank you for your words and God's Word to help in the journey. blessings to you today, my friend.

    1. Pam; I am so glad to hear that God is lifting some heavy burdens from your heart. We learn to trust Him more as we realize He is at work on what we need in order to grow.

  2. One point that stood out to me was, "God tells him when not if." I think many people fall into depression because they lose hope that things will change. I've seen hope restored in several situations recently. Nothing is impossible with God. What looks huge to us is a mere blip to Him.

    1. Susan; You make a valid point when you say people fall into depression because they lose hope. A friend of mine lost a son when he took his life several years ago. All I could say was that he had lost hope.

  3. Hi Cecelia! My poor daughter has been tending to her children who have the flu and strep. Now today she has the flu herself. Believe me, that girl is tired! The first thing she did today was to reach out and ask for prayers.
    May we all remember to rely on the Lord, knowing that his healing will come. Not if. But when!
    Sunday blessings,

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your comment. I have had times, like your daughter's. Knowing that God will take care of things when the time is right is a learned response. You have taught her well.


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