Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Storms of Life

Image result for Storms of life

            On our return from a recent vacation, we drove through two heavy rain storms.  Cars and semi- trucks inched along. Visibility was approximately three yards. Then, all we could see were the outlines of vehicles in front of us. Most vehicles turned on their hazard lights in order to be seen.
            This rain storm was possibly the second worst one we had ever been in. One time in Kansas, we had to stop under an overpass on I-70 and wait for the rain to diminish. That time, visibility was zero. We couldn’t see beyond our windshield wipers.

            These storms caused me to think of the storms of life we have faced and come through.

Family illness       Friends moving away
Unemployment     Loss of family through death
Loss of a child        Personal Illness

            As each storm comes to us, God stands with us. We are to trust Him, seek His guidance, and ask for His presence to endure.

            After the issue leaves us, we should give Him praise. When we look back on our lives, we can see growth- mental, emotional, and spiritual.

            When we or those close to us go through these storms, we cannot ask God to take them away. Because God may have a lesson for us to learn through those times.

            As I think about this subject. I realize how precious God is to me as I reflect on all the ‘storms’ He has brought me through and how I sometimes made them worse by not stepping back and allowing Him to do His work. Yes, I had to learn this lesson, sometimes it was a hard one for me. However, God was patient with me and always forgave me for wanting to do things my way.


  1. Hi Cecelia! Like you, I feel like I've been through many storms, not able to see my hand in front of my face. It's so hard to sit in the dark, and not know what's ahead, or even how to help. Those are the times that try our souls, and test faith. I hope I never get to despair, but if I do, may your words remind me that storms do pass. God is always there too.

    1. Ceil: Yes, we do have those storms and they DO test and strengthen our faith. God sometimes allows those storms to come to remind us that He is our foundation and we have to start building on Him again. Our pastor talked about God being his foundation when he went through an unwanted divorce.

  2. Ah, the storms of life...not something we look forward to, but something we all have to endure sooner or later...and all of life is preparing us to get through those storms. We just don't realize that we are in a storm preparation school every day. But God is always with us, no matter how severe the storm. So thankful for His Presence in the midst of the storms...and that He helps me to learn how to "praise You in this storm"....

    1. Pam: You are correct when you say, "We just don't realize that we are in a storm preparation school every day." When something bad happens, we wonder about things. But reality for a Christian is that God knows what He is doing, even when we don't understand the events.

      My hairstylist will be singing at a fundraiser for a fairly young woman who suddenly died recently. Her song she will sing is one of my favorites, "God on the Mountain is still God in the Valley." I love that song. Peace to you and yours.


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