Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Letter I Have to Write

From time to time, I hear of someone who battles cancer. That person either is healed and gets to stay with his or her family for a while longer or receives the ultimate, permanent healing. I sometimes have told family members to write a letter to cancer. I advised a relative to keep a journal while her son-in-law fought it. Every once in a while I have to take my own counsel and write my own letter to that disease.

July 2017

I received a phone call from a friend this morning. She  told me that a young mother in her late 30’s had gone to be with Jesus. She and her family were members of our church. We and all her friends had prayed that she win over you. That’s right, cancer. We wanted her to gain victory over you. We kept asking God to allow her to raise her two young daughters and to be there for her teenaged son.

You have plagued this daughter, wife, and mother since she was a teenager. Shame on you! You bring so much grief to families and friends. You are not welcome into the lives of those in which you entangle yourself.

You bring intent sadness to so many when your dirty work is done. While you are active in a person’s life, you place a specter over all he or she does. You rob people and their families of their zest for living.  When you finally suck a person dry of all their vitality, you cause families great sadness because of your supposed gain.

However when your victim, like this young mother, knows God. It is a release and a relief that He sends Jesus down to take that person to be with Him in heaven.

I wonder how many more letters to you I will have to write before a cure will be found for the many different ways you manifest yourself.


  1. I also hate cancer, and although I've never written a letter to "it", I've certainly spoken out loud in its face. Cancer tried to destroy our son, but Jesus intervened and called him home to heaven, where he is now enjoying all the beauty and glory and complete healing that God had waiting for him there. So cancer did not win. Jesus wins every time. Jesus is the VICTOR over sin and sickness and death! Cancer does NOT win. Jesus WINS! My son is now healed and we will see him again. He is no longer suffering. We know where he is. So, cancer, you are the big loser! You could not destroy my son's spirit or soul. You could not take away his love for Jesus or for his family. He's just waiting for the rest of us to join him in heaven some day. So cancer, you are a loser!!!!

    1. Pam; Thank you for your insight. I thought of you as I wrote this. You are right about Jesus being the victor. My concern is for those sweet little girls and that almost grown son.

    2. I will pray for those precious children. God will take care of them, I am sure, but it will be difficult for all. May the God of all comfort be very near to them and give them peace and hope in Christ.

    3. Pay, thank you for your prayers. They are a lovely family.


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