Tuesday, July 4, 2017

June-July Events at Our House

 I'm just sneaking in here to share some photos with you.

                                Our rock garden is ready to celebrate the Independence Day 2017 holiday.


                                     As is our pump in our side yard. This pump is from the farm where Hubby grew up.We've had it here almost as long as we've lived here.


        Hubby called me out on the porch to see this sunset. I snapped a couple of pictures and then called a friend who lives a mile or so south of us so she could see this beautiful gift from God.

 Our new couch arrived in mid-June. It's teal. Hubby picked out the color. (Honest, I did not coerce him.) We keep a color co-ordinated sheet over the bottom cushions in an effort to keep them clean. This was part of my Mother's Day presents.


              Last week was Vacation Bible School. This cross contains the names of all the kids and the workers. It reminds us that God loves us. The pastor asked us at the registration table to write the name of each child on separate index cards. Each name is encircled with a heart.We also did the same with the workers' names.We had 46 children. There are somewhere between 87 and 90 names on this cross.


  1. Lovely!

    All of them.

    Especially Vacation Bible School. :)

    1. Sandi: Thank you for stopping in. I love to see the kids and hear of their adventures at V.B.S. The years I couldn't work it, I felt I had missed something.

  2. Oh, I LOVE the cross idea with the names of the children/workers! What a blessing to pin their names to the cross...and then hopefully remember to pray for each one after VBS is over. Love your couch...what a lovely color!! It looks really comfy! Is your pump actually a working pump to a well? I love that if it is. And even if it isn't, I love looking at it! I'd love to have an old hand pump in our yard. There's just something about drinking water straight from the well that is special. That sky was gorgeous! We've had some lovely sunsets lately as well. God's masterpieces! And your patriotic rock garden is so cute! So happy you are back! I've missed you! Praying for your book publishing/etc. Take care and God bless you!!

    1. Pam: I'm sorry to say the pump is NOT a working pump. We used to have a wrought iron kettle we planted flowers in and hung on the spout. It looked as if the pump spewed flowers. (We do have a silly streak.) I'm in the middle of cleaning out ancient documents from my dad's things. My goal is to really organize my computer room for serious writing. Be back for sure on Monday.

  3. I love your patriotic yard, and highly approve of the color of your new sofa!
    What a grand idea to put names on the cross; we are in charge of VBS next year, so I will mention this idea to my husband.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Jeanette. I really like our new couch. We love having the colors in our yard. Our next door neighbor's girl friend said we didn't have our red, white, and blue out yet. Hubby doesn't like to keep them up very long.

  4. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos! Sounds like there's been a lot happening around your place lately. :) Wishing you well with your book project. Have a blessed week!

  5. Karen, thank you. Sometimes, things seem sort of slow, then I realize that we have managed to do a lot of things. Peace and Blessings.


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