Friday, January 12, 2018

The Preciousness of Life
My thoughts as a friend’s family is called to her hospital bedside. She suffered a heart attack about twelve hours ago.This means she will be leaving her family her church family and entering heaven very soon. This fact brings several thoughts to my mind.
Her name is Loretta. She encouraged me many times over the 30+ years we have known each other. She prayed for my family on many occasions. Her husband was my Sunday school teacher for several years.
1.)           She will see Jesus. Also, she will see her mother, her husband’s mother, several of the ladies who went our old church, and our friend Greg, who spent most of his earthly life wheelchair bound. (I always said that when he got there, he would dance with all the women.) I believe they will all be waiting to greet her on the other side of those pearly gates.

2.)           How precious life is, God decides the number of days we have before our first one. Sometimes, humans do things shorten that number. Other times we see people who live out those 70 or 80 years allotted to us. Then, there are those who are blessed by receiving more.

3.)           Because God loves us, we are to love one another. This is a command given by Jesus Christ Himself.

4.)           We are not to hold grudges against others. We are to forgive them as God forgave us.

5.)           We are to stop and enjoy what God has given us. When a neighbor or a friend receives something new, we are to be happy for them.

6.)           We should tell our families that we love them. They might know it, but it is nice to hear. It may be the last thing we say to them.

7.)           If we have issues with someone, we should give them to God and let Him handle them for us as He chooses.

8.)           If there is something we don’t understand about another person, we should tell God about it. If He wants us to know the details, He will arrange things so we learn what we need to know.

She went to heaven a little over 12 hours after her family was called in. All of her family and her church family will miss her but we all know that God called this dear lady home.

Her funeral is late this morning, January 12, 2018.


  1. Oh, I am so sorry. This is another friend in a short time who has been called home to Jesus, right? Praying for you and your friends who knew and loved her. But, yes! She is dancing in heaven today! This is something to celebrate and rejoice! The older I get, the more I look forward to that day! don't weep for me...I'll be with Jesus!!!!! Praise God!!

    1. Pam, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.She was the first one. Our niece in Oklahoma was the second one. A friend of my late sister-in-law lost her husband. A cousin by marriage to my dad also passed away this month. Including Loretta's sister-in-law, that makes five families I know going through the grief process.

  2. I am glad that she was such a good friend Cecelia, she will be missed.

    1. Thank you, Marja. Her family is trying to find that "new normal."

  3. Oh my Cecelia. It's so hard to say goodbye to friends, I can't imagine how hard it was to hear about your friend's heart attack.
    You make such a lovely case for her new life in Christ, and really, we all can look forward to that. You'll see here again, but miss her terribly in the meantime. God bless you and all who miss this wonderful lady.

    1. Thank you, Ceil. Since then, I have been aware of six families facing loss of a loved one. Thank you for your support.


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