Monday, August 6, 2018

The Reward of Waiting

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but they that wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

When we are impatient, we make mistakes that usually create problems for us. Even when we attempt to fix those miscues on our own, we may act in haste and make conditions or issues worse.

The prophet Isaiah tells us we can wait for God to work out the rough spots. Either He changes the circumstances or He changes us, makes us stronger to where we can withstand what life and the enemy throw our way.

Have you ever watched eagles fly and then glide through the air? Didn’t they look graceful? Have you heard someone speak and make it seem such an easy thing to do?

Waiting has been a learned response for me. I believe it is for each of us. The reward is we gain strength, stability, and even wisdom.

As I compose these words, I patiently wait for God to allow me to begin a new feature and another outlet for my writing ministry. I covet your prayers for these two things.



  1. Praying for God to reveal the direction you are to go with your writing, Cecelia. I love this verse but am so challenged by it too!

    1. Julie: Thank you for stopping in. Thank you for your prayers. Yes, this verse does challenge me as well. As for me, when I am challenged by a scripture verse, I learn from it. I'm sure you learn from the challenge verses as well.

  2. May the Lord open doors for ministry for you, Dear Cecelia.

    1. Thank you, Jeanette. We sometimes have to wait because God tells us to. We have to obey Him when He does say that word.


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