Friday, December 14, 2018

Grace upon Grace

For from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:16-17 (ESV)

When we accept Jesus into our hearts and learn to live for Him, we receive great love from Him. We don’t deserve His love. We all are sinners. When we accept Him we become sinners saved by grace. The only thing that can help us through the hardships of this life is what He does for us because of His eternal grace.

We receive His grace many times throughout each day. We awaken each morning because He chooses to allow us to. We have food to eat because we can purchase it or it is provided for us.

Recently, I noticed my distance vision was not as clear as it should be. I was able to get an appointment the same day I called my vision care provider. I received a thorough exam. I was not eligible to get new glasses through our vision insurance for six more months. God’s grace allowed me to order and cover the cost of new eyeglasses. They should be ready for me any day.

God’s grace is free to us. All we have to do is ask His Son, Jesus, into our hearts and rely on Him.

Have you experienced God’s grace in your life lately?


  1. Yes, God's grace provides for us in so many ways every day, beyond what we can even comprehend. We are blessed beyond measure. So very thankful for God's amazing grace.

    1. Pam: Just this morning, God's grace saved me from opening my mouth to someone whom I saw at my friend's place of business. The person was her brother. I know some things about this brother that he probably wouldn't want people to know. Because of God's grace, I was able to be cordial to him.


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