Monday, December 17, 2018

A Child is Born

For unto us a child is born,
to us, a son is given
and the government shall be on his shoulder.
Isaiah 9:6a

Isaiah prophesied the birth of the Savior. What does he say in these words?

unto us
Can we imagine what the original hearers or readers thought when Isaiah communicated these words? “Why would God choose to share anything with us?” “Who are we to receive anything from God?” We now know that God chose to send us this gift because of His love for us.

a child is born,

God chose for a child, His child, to be born into our world. God had previously sent emissaries in the form of prophets to carry His message to the people. It was God’s desire that the people would receive this child, listen to His teachings, and live the life God intended for them. 

the government shall be on his shoulder.

This child was to be the source of all governments. It was God’s desire that all laws were to be based on God’s Word.

As we try to live for Jesus in our daily lives, do we understand the concept that all of our laws should have their basis in God’s word? Even our individual conduct should reflect God and His Word.

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