Wednesday, December 12, 2018

He Lived Among Us

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 (ESV)

John says it very well. Jesus lived among His people. Do we truly realize what John says here? God came to earth and ate, worked, traveled, and experienced grief and happiness as we do. He chose to live among us.

God doesn’t sit on his throne, shaking his head and waits to see what kind of mischief we humans get into. When we do get into trouble and sin, He doesn’t say,” You’re on your own.” If we ask Him, He forgives us. He understands us because He lived here on earth.

Jesus came to earth as a baby to show us how to live for God. He taught the people of Israel about His Father. Once we accept him, He lives in our hearts and guides us through life here on earth. He will come again and live with us forever in the New Jerusalem.


  1. Love the simple way you present such amazing truths!! Yes, so amazing that Jesus lived among His people, and that He lives in our hearts...When you ask the question, about do we truly know what John says here, I realize I don't think I am even near to grasping it truly, but knowing it is a wonderful thing!! And having the hope to know Him more and His truth more in each day. Blessings and a beautiful day to you!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. As God's children, we learn from Him through The Word and through communicating with Him. God guides us through the rough places in our lives because 1.He lived among us. 2.He loves us so much. Peace and blessings to you.

  2. I love to focus on Emmanuel, God with us, not only at Christmas time, but throughout the whole year. God is with us in all of our trials and sorrows, as well as our joys. We are so blessed to be His children!! God is With us!! Praise God!

    1. Pam: It always helps me to focus on Christ to get me through each day. To focus on Emmanuel has guided me through many days and events that have been difficult. Peace and blessings to you, my friend.

  3. Beautiful! He knows what we're going through, because He lived among us. How blessed we are that He loves and forgives!

    1. Gayl: Thank you for your thoughts.Yes, Jesus knows our every circumstance and how we feel about them. Please feel free to stop in here anytime you feel led. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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