Friday, December 21, 2018

See The Glory

…and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, John 1:14 (ESV)

John tells us the people saw the Glory of Jesus that could only come from God the Father.

I once heard a former teacher say, “We have precious things happen in our lives that we can’t explain. These are things from God. Once we can explain them, they no longer seem as precious.” I sometimes feel this way when I hear of stories of what God is doing in the lives of His children.

Do we see God’s glory in our world today? Of course, we do. When we see a newborn baby’s smile, when we see a sunrise or a sunset, we witness God’s glory in ways that are so marvelous we can only stop and look in wonder.

When we see God working in the lives of those around us, we witness a special view of His glory for His children.  

Some friends and I have what we call God moments in our lives. One year the VBS theme was nautical. The director called those moments “God sightings.” I am going to call those moments ‘Glory Sightings’ at least until the New Year begins.

I am taking a break to try to finish preparing our home for Christmas and with the hope of spending extra time with our son. I will return here on January 2, 2019. (That’s my plan.)


  1. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful Hopeful New Year.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you and I wish you the same. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Thank you for this post Cecelia, indeed... God's glory can be seen every day... if we open our eyes and looK! Have a great Christmas season and a blessed new year, enjoy the time with your family. Keep on writing in the new year!

    1. Marja: You are welcome. Yes, God's glory is all around us. Have a blessed Christmas. Peace to you and yours.

  3. Praying you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. May you have many "glory sightings" now and in the New Year. That would be one of my favorite things to see everywhere I go...God's glory is every where if we just open our spiritual eyes!!

    1. Pamela: I had several "glory sightings" with my church family yesterday. Each one special to me. A young man, home from an Army training school took the time to give me a hug just after entering our sanctuary. Some warm hugs during the time of greeting one another. And a treat bag from a young girl's grandma. It was pieces of peanut butter fudge. Our son and I enjoyed eating them. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Hi Quiet Spirit - So many times we look for the big things and miss all the daily blessings. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Susan: You are right; we look for the huge things- the glitzy things and miss the simple blessings God has for us.

  5. I like that, "Glory Sightings." God is certainly full of glory! May your new year be filled with sightings of his wonder and goodness.

    1. Jeanette: If we take the time to look, we can see His glory all around us. A blessed and peaceful new year to you and yours.


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