Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hope in His Steadfast Love

His delight is not in the strength of a horse,
nor his pleasure in the legs of a man,
but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
in those who hope in his steadfast love.
Psalm 147:10-11(ESV)

These words of the psalmist tell us that God does not rely on the things we might trust. He looks with favor upon those who respect Him and who truly believe in His undying love. As humans we see others placing their trust in things that will eventually wear out. The house my parents bought when I was a toddler has been torn down for several years. All but one of the schools I attended have been demolished. The one build that still stands is a community center for those who live in that area.

We know physical strength can weaken and cause issues for us. We see it in those who become encumbered with weakened joints and muscles. I have witnessed different friends of mine lose their mobility due to disease and infirmities. It can be sad to watch someone go downhill. The only positive help is when they know the LORD.

Strength in God gives us all peace of mind and the ability to endure the times of intense stress and health crises. It is not easy to watch a loved one as they go through the rigors of disease. However, God is there for His children as they watch as he or she goes through those tough times.

Let us all learn to lean on God and his steadfast love as we endure times of stress and heartache.


  1. I love the verse Ps. 147:10-11. I am a child of God and l love following blogs of other believers. I am now following yours.
    Visit me at A Grandma's Blessings. Just click on my photo

    1. Sylvia: Thank you for stopping in. I post two times a week, on Tuesdays and either Thursdays or Fridays.Thank you for choosing to follow my blog. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. One of my favorite Psalms. Yes, our strength in our body fails as we age or as we don't take good care of ourselves. It is so important to take care of the body as well as the soul. We try to take a walk every morning after we read our morning devotions. That way, both parts are being taken care of at the start of the day, and then the Lord carries us through the rest of the day with a much better frame of mind. Thank you for sharing God's Word with us faithfully each day. You are a blessing.

    1. Pam: I find myself drawn to the Psalms when I am spiritually down. They help me regain my focus about my needs. It is wonderful to hear that you and your Hubby are dedicated to taking a walk every day. I appreciate you and your blog so much. Peace and blessings.

    2. To me, the Psalms are my "go to place" in the Bible in all seasons of life...I am so thankful for them because they help us to focus on God's majesty and power and love. And yes, we can often identify with the Psalmist as we read along, and it helps us to get refocused on the Lord. Thank you for being a special and wonderful friend. Praying your day and weekend are filled with joy and many blessings.

  3. Thank you for sharing the words of the beautiful psalm and the attribute of God's Steadfast Love. As I read your post I think of also the verse and song , The Steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end...they are new every every morning...great is Thy faithfulness O Lord, Great is Thy Faithfulness!!♬ Many blessings! & Love!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your glowing comment. God's love is steadfast and faithful even when we are unfaithful. I often give praise for His faithfulness to me and my family and friends. Peace and blessings.

  4. I love these eternal words of the Psalmist, that God never fails, no matter how our earthly systems let us down. He is faithful!

  5. God is our only source of strength in those hard times and actually any time. May we always put our trust and hope in Him. Blessings to you, Cecelia!

    1. Gayl: Thank you. I really needed that reminder. Our church is going through a difficult time at present. The denomination will make a decision that could cause many to rethink their ties to the church-at large. Also, our pastor is retiring from the denomination but not from the ministry. Please pray for us.


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