Friday, January 11, 2019

Our Hope Is in Christ

 Surely a man goes about as a shadow!
Surely for nothing, they are in turmoil;
 man heaps up wealth and does not know
who will gather! And now, O Lord, for what do I wait?
My hope is in you.
Psalm 39:7 (ESV)

At first, David paints a dismal word picture. Then he speaks that he relies on God. Why does he say this? Earlier in the chapter he tells the Lord that he was silent but it was no use. (v.2)

At times believers have experiences when God has directed them to remain silent in light of surrounding circumstances that were not pleasing. When we hear stories that upset and offend us, we may find ourselves becoming depressed. However, if we remain obedient to the LORD, we will rise above the circumstance and will ultimately stand for the LORD.

Those with Seasonal Affective Disorder have a difficult time through the winter months when the sky is cloudy almost 100% of the time. Their brain needs to have light in order to keep them from deep depression.

However, we have a LORD who will guide us through those sensitive times where we might be offended by thoughts or words that come to our ears. When we read the Psalms, we see King David express his depressive thoughts and, a few verses later, and express his hope in God.

David placed his Hope in God. We have to do the same. This is a new year. Let’s all aim to place our hope in God in 2019.


  1. Thank you so much. Yes. Let us focus on our King and Lord.

  2. Aritha: It's nice to hear from you again. You are right, our focus should always be on our King and our LORD. Peace and blessings.


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