Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Interview with Malchus


Q.S.: Hello, thanks for dropping in. Today we have with us Malchus, one of the male servants in Caiaphas’ household.

Malchus: Good day, thank you for inviting me here.

Q.S.: Could you tell us about your life of service?

Malchus: I started in service as a young boy, about eight or nine. My duties at that time were working with the animals. You know feeding them, cleaning the stalls, and replacing the hay in their stalls. As I got older, those duties changed.

Q.S.: How did you meet Jesus?

Malchus: The year I was 20, on the night of Passover, I found myself going in a group of about 200 men, some were assigned to Caiaphas, others were Priests and there also were Roman soldiers with us. It was dark; we carried torches to illumine our way through Jerusalem, up the Mount of Olives, and into the garden Gethsemane.
As we approached this man Jesus, the one we followed there gave the sign to identify him. He kissed this Jesus person.
Jesus asked who we were looking for. The priest answered. Jesus asked another question and again the priest answered. One of the men with Jesus asked yet another question and suddenly I felt something hit the side of my head. I reached up with my free hand and felt something warm on my skin. Someone near me held his torch closer to me and shouted, “This man is bleeding; his ear has been cut off.”

 Jesus chided one who was with him “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” He took my severed ear in his hand, placed it against the side of my head; said a few words, and removed his hand. This itinerant preacher, whom everyone wanted to die, healed me!

 My fellow servants told me which one of the men with Jesus did this to me. Later, after they brought Jesus to my master’s house, I recognized that man. I approached him and asked if he was with the Galilean. (Pause) Of course, he denied it.

Q.S.: How has your encounter with Jesus affected your life?

Malchus: All I knew about Jesus was what I overheard from Caiaphas, Annas, and the other priests. I really didn’t care for him. That’s why I didn’t mind going in that group to find him that night. However, after he healed me, I thought about how he showed compassion to me by taking the time to heal me, someone unworthy. If Jesus had not healed me, I don’t know what my life would have been like. I could have been reduced to a life of begging. He will always have my thanks.

Q. S.: Thank you, Malchus.


  1. Oh my! I guess I never took the time to stop and think about how Malchus' life was changed that day. I do wonder if he became a believer in the Messiah after that event. Another person we may meet some day in heaven...will be interesting to see!!! Thank you for sharing this perspective with us. Very enlightening.

    1. Pam: As I see it, any one who was a recipient of Jesus' healing for him or her self or for a family member came away with a different outlook about Him. They all had an attitude of thankfulness.

  2. Thank YOU Cecelia for this excellent blog post. When Jesus heals you, your life changes forever!

  3. I never considered Malchus and how Jesus healing him affected his future! Thanks for this creative way of looking at those little-known characters in Jesus' life.

    1. Jeanette; I found Malchus' story to be challenging. He received a miraculous healing from Jesus. I believe he had to be thankful to Jesus for restoring him.


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