Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April Reflections

Cecelia Lester.com

April is usually a month of rain and more rain. Back when Hubby retired at the end of March, we sat and watched it rain for the whole month. This April, I was able to sit on my porch for several days in a row. That was between the rains.

I got back to taking a Bible Study to the nursing home. At the end of one session, one of the patients said,” You’re good.” It made my day. Another day an older lady said she looked forward to hearing me. This afternoon the nursing home will observe National Nursing Home Week and honor its volunteers. It seems those who volunteer will receive a tee shirt as a gift.

I had an issue with one of my hearing aids. The audiologist had to send it back to the manufacturer. So, I went with one hearing aid for a few days.

For our church’s Easter Egg Hunt this year. The ladies of the church were asked to help with filling 200 baskets for the event and for a second Easter Egg Hunt for the foster children in our county. The hunt for the foster children is part of a memorial for a woman who died after a short illness.  I signed up to help fill the baskets. I had never seen so much stuff for these little baskets. After they were filled to overflowing, each basket was put in a large plastic bag. Then each bag was tied with a ribbon and a bow, blue for boys and pink for girls. It’s easy to talk about 200 baskets but seeing them was definitely an eye-opener. I could only help for about 3 1/2 hours.

Our next-door neighbor lady planted flowers in their front yard. We have lived here over 40 years, and this is the second time anyone has tried to put something out there. Hubby must have felt guilty because we had to go purchase our hanging baskets for our rock garden a little earlier than I anticipated. We also purchased three butterfly lights that change color. Two of them work. They look nice in the day time and the lights look cool at night. Lately, he has had to bring the flowers into our enclosed porch to keep them from frost and freezes.

On Easter Sunday, I went to church and attended the Easter breakfast. At the worship service, my closest friend’s youngest daughter surprised me and sat with me. My friend had been there for the earlier service. We have a prayer walk/prayer garden on the church land. Our pastor announced that it was dedicated to the memory of a gentleman who went to be with Jesus suddenly at the end of January. Since then, Hubby and I went out and purchased a fourth hanging basket for our rock garden. We also purchased some plants to put around our water pump in our side yard.

Our friend's luncheon was a positive time for those who were able to attend.
A mom and her daughter.

Me and two dear friends

Another mom and her two daughters.

Two good friends

A dear friend of mine and I have been on an emotional roller coaster due to the transition going on in our church. Please pray for us and for our church family. This transition is proving to be very hard.


  1. Wow, your April has been filled with many things, beautiful and emotional and special. I am praying for you and your church, as our church is also about to go through the same thing. We will learn who our new pastor is next week I think. We are really praying about this. I love that you do the Bible study at the nursing home...that is really special. Thank you for all of these sweet things you have been doing. May God bless you and may the transition at your church be calm and peaceful and may God bring glory to His name through it all.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. I love seeing the people I see on visitation and I am enjoying the women who come to the Bible study. God has been kind to me. Praying for you and your family.


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