Friday, April 5, 2019

Book Spotlight: Hello, Beautiful: Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes of Love

*     Wish you had a different body, face, or personality?
*     Feel less than adequate compared to others?
*     Wonder why God created you?
*     Often criticize your choices and decisions?
*     Long to see yourself through God’s eyes of love?
*     Want to live confidently in spite of your shortcomings?
*     Realize how valuable you are?

In Hello, Beautiful, Jeanette Levellie and Beth Gormong lead women on a hopeful journey to find lasting beauty in the eye of the beholder: God. This inspirational gift book contains 40 stories based on some of the authors’ most vulnerable moments, highlighting how God redeemed the pain and taught them how to love themselves. Each chapter of this 40-day soul makeover begins with a Bible verse describing God’s view of us, His precious creation. Chapters end with a special feature, a journaling prompt giving readers the opportunity to apply the principles.

Hello, Beautiful is designed specifically for women who feel the familiar internal pressure to perform without the satisfaction of hearing “Well done.” We find it too easy to think and speak hurtful words about ourselves while building up other’s self-esteem. Hello, Beautiful strives to point out those lies, and replace them with the Truth. Learn the secrets of seeing yourself through love’s viewpoint and shake off feelings of inadequacy. Finally find the courage to look in the mirror and say, “Hello, Beautiful!”

Beth, a former editor, and recovering perfectionist is learning to speak as kindly to herself as she does to others. Recently fired from her job as a full-time mother by her college-age daughters, Beth is discovering God’s definition of her is broader than her own limited perspective. She wants to share the nuggets of truth God has taught her about His love for her and for other women.

Jeanette is an award-winning author and sought-after speaker who enjoys sharing her funny flaws and hard-earned lessons to encourage people from all walks of life. She’s published hundreds of newspaper columns, articles, greeting card verses, and poems. Jeanette is full of wisdom for discouraged and broken women. Hello, Beautiful is her 5th book.

This book is available at  Hello, Beautiful


  1. Thank you for introducing this book, it sounds like a really encouraging book! I love the title, and the focus on seeing ourselves through God's eyes. Thank you for sharing and the excellent review!!

    1. Shayndel: Jeanette and Beth share stories of God's love that they have experienced themselves. Jeanette is a dear writing friend of mine. Peace and blessings to you.

    2. Thanks for your interest, Shayndel. We tried for the encouragement we ALL need. You know what they say about preachers writing sermons that they need to hear? That goes for authors, too!
      Grace, Jen

  2. "Hello Beautiful!" This does sound like a wonderful gift book for any woman. Thank you for sharing it with us. I may have to "check it out". Hope YOU have a beautiful day!

    1. Jeanette and Beth have done a great job in instructing us about the importance of seeing ourselves as God sees us. Peace and blessing to you.

  3. Thanks for your interest, Pamela! I hope you do check it out, and buy one for yourself and perhaps as a Mother's Day gift!
    Grace, Jen

  4. Thanks Cecelia for posting about this new book, I will do so as well.

    1. It is a great book. I will be exploring ways to share it with others. I have a meeting with a friend on Wednesday to see if I might be able to do this in a small group setting a church.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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