Friday, May 24, 2019

Let Me Hear

Let me hear in the morning of your
steadfast love,
for in you, I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 (ESV)

David, the shepherd king, penned these words. He asks the Father to speak to him in the mornings. David desires to hear of God’s steadfast love.  He tells God that he trusts Him.

David also asks for the Father’s guidance. Again, he speaks of his trusting God with his very being.

I have learned it is important to spend time in prayer and devotional/Bible reading when I am most alert. For me, that is in the morning. Some people function better later in the day. The main thing is to find some time to spend with God.

When we spend time with God, we learn of Him and we begin to trust Him with more and more of our lives. God will guide us when he knows we sincerely spend time with Him in prayer.
Dear Father God: Please allow me to schedule my time with You. I need Your guidance each day. I want to know the way to live that pleases You. I can only know this if I commune with You each day. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen


  1. Beautiful words in the Psalm, and reflections about spending time with God in the morning. The verse reminds me one summer when I planted morning glories and when the first one opened that morning I saw it, I felt this verse God speaking to me, about seeking Him, and seeing that open flower proclaiming His glory was like His voice, and confirming what you are speaking of, of seeking Him earnestly and that wonderful morning quiet time when He brings light from the darkness, and so when we meet Him at that hour it is illuminating! All times of day too, but yes, moringings are special times to spend with the LORD. THanks for reminding with these words, I also need to get up a little early and set that time aside and summer is so nice too as the morning light comes in sooner! Blessings in your devotions and days!

    1. Shayndel; I have a local friend who sees God in the beauty He creates in nature. When she sees a rainbow after a storm, she stops and gives thanks to God for it. We have God around us each day and, as we grow in our faith, we learn to recognize His presence. Peace and blessings.

  2. Amen! My devotional time is in the morning...I love to spend time in God's Word early in the day. And then we go for a walk before it gets too hot, and to me, that is still a part of my time of devotions...and then later after supper I walk to the "pond" and spend time with the Lord there whenever I can. I will miss that when we move, but am praying for a similar spot nearby whenever we do find a new home. God knows what I need...and I hope He has some good surprises in store. I love your message here today...this has reminded me of what I need to do each and every day...and that helps me to stay focused on what is really important! Have a blessed Memorial Day weekend.

    1. Pam: God blesses our times of devotions and prayer. I prefer the mornings because our house is always quiet. I receive wonderful words of wisdom during these times. Blessings to you over this Memorial Day Weekend. Peace,also.


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