Friday, May 31, 2019

May Reflections

 May began with the usual busy first week. Our Friends Luncheon was a lovely time 


We had two ladies from our church to lose a son to death. My friend Martha and I went to the calling time for the first family. This viewing and service was on Thursday right before Mother’s Day. About that same time, the second lady’s son had a severe asthma attack and spent ten days in ICU.His family had a graveside service for him this past Saturday.

Our son was with us for four days for Mother’s Day. He asked me what I wanted for Mother’s Day. I told him flowers and then I corrected myself and said, “Cut flowers.” 

My Hubby bought me a birdbath for our back yard and a new pair of house slippers. He threw in a bag of Lindor White Chocolate Truffles because he knows I like them.

I have been reading Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby. I am a little over three fourths through it. He breaks down concepts about our faith into small chunks that allow the reader to think about what he presents. It’s interactive with questions at the end of each chapter.

One day, I had a burst of energy and changed out my winter clothes for spring and summer garments. And then the temperature dropped, as usual. I even got some things ready for a rummage sale at church. I have two lap-blankets to get cleaned and ready for our church denomination’s annual conference. They are collecting them for nursing home patients.

We did have four days in a row of wonderful weather. I made use of my front porch. On another day, I went out there in the morning. I felt God calling me to change my place of reading.

Our pastor has retired from our denomination. This past Sunday was his last Sunday in the pulpit. On his next to last Sunday, we had a baptism service. Eleven people chose to be immersed. Two sisters, two brothers, two cousins of those brothers, a teenage boy, a man and his wife, and two women.

I volunteered to lead Prayer Meeting/Bible Study on one Wednesday night in June. Our incoming pastor won’t be preaching until the first Sunday in July. I have a topic in mind, in one of my bursts of ‘energy’, I thought I had finished the presentation I plan on giving. Then, Experiencing God expanded on some of the same things I chose to bring out. I have to decide how to incorporate this new information or if I am supposed to.

I am looking forward to June and all the blessings God has in store for me. How about you?


  1. Sounds like you have been and will be busy. So very sorry to hear about your two friends who both lost sons this past month. That is so very sad. I understand their grief, and my heart goes out to them. May God give them strength for each day that they must face without the presence of their precious sons. The wonderful thing is, hopefully these sons both knew Christ as Savior, and they will have a wonderful reunion that will last for eternity some day. That is what I cling to when I think of our son. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. So nice your son could stay so long. I know you enjoyed him. We are having our pastor's retirement luncheon tomorrow afternoon, but he will still be preaching a couple more weeks. Then our new pastor comes on July 7th. It will be challenging to change, but God is with us. One day at a time is what I remind myself when I get anxious. Take care and stay cool!!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your beautiful comment. We always enjoy having our son visit us. One of those sons always brought his mother to church when her health permitted. Four of our laity people will be supplying the pulpit on the Sundays in June. The last Sunday is a youth-led service. At our old church, we had several pastoral changes over the years, always a challenge. Peace and blessings.


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