Monday, June 3, 2019

Devotion-Pray Faithfully

            Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time pray also for us that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mysteries of Christ, on account of which I am in prison—that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.  Colossians 4:1-4 (ESV)

Paul writes from prison.

Continue steadfastly in prayer,

He tells the Colossian believers to be faithful in their prayers. We receive this same message daily.  When we pray faithfully, we receive blessings beyond what we expect.                                              

being watchful in it,

As we pray, we are to be alert to the LORD’s workings in the lives of those for who we pray and in our own lives. 

 with thanksgiving.

We are to give thanks to God for what He does for those for whom we pray. We are to give thanks for His presence as we go through struggles and stress in our walks.

pray also for us

Paul asks the Colossian believers to pray for him and those who also preach the Gospel.

We are to pray for those who preach the Word in the 21st Century. Missionaries around the world depend on our prayers. Also, on our prayer lists should be missions efforts in our towns and cities as well as those who are ill.

that God may open to us a door for the word,

God reveals His Word to those who are in prayer and search the scriptures for answers to issues that bother them.

to declare the mysteries of Christ

                When we study the Word, we learn something new to us about the LORD. Sometimes, we may have read a certain passage many times but one time we read it and we learn something that changes how we look at that passage.


  1. When we study God's Word, there is always something new every single day. And when we pray God speaks to us if we just listen. I've not been listening as well as I should lately, and I pray God will be patient with me and help me get back on track. Thank you for your wonderful posts. Have a blessed week.

    1. Pam; I understand what you are saying. In the book I am reading, Experiencing God. Henry Blackaby tells us that we don't always listen to what God tells us and sometimes we ask for things in the wrong way. We ask God to give us what we want when we should ask Him what He wants from us. Peace and blessings.

  2. Second only to meditating on God's Word, prayer has changed my life more than any other activity. I'm so thankful God gave us the privilege of coming boldly to his throne of grace and mercy!

    1. Had it not been for the prayers of my church family I would not have made it through the issues of my dad's heart surgery, cancer surgery and his being a resident in a nursing home. (He was angry with me about what I had to do to keep him there.)


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