Wednesday, June 12, 2019

God in Our World Today

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We recently took a trip. Parts of it were not exactly enjoyable. However, I could see and feel God with us as we traveled.

God Sighting Number One

I felt God at our local CVS as I prepared to purchase some last-minute items. I picked up a can of cashews and started to walk away. Across the aisle sat shelving with cookies. Being gluten-free, I don’t allow myself to look very closely. Then, I happened to notice some organic cookies. Curiosity got the better of me. I looked closer and saw they were Gluten-Free. I took two packages of them with us.

God Sighting Number Two

About an hour away for where we live, we always stop at this one gas station/convenience store. This time, when we stopped there on our way down, I had two employees, in different parts of the store, of the station hold the door open for me. (I walk with a cane.)

God Sighting Number Three

We stopped in to see our son and for Hubby to pay respects to a family of someone he was in school with. Our special friend went with Hubby; after that, we went out to eat with our son, our friend and his wife, our friend’s sister and brother-in-law and one of their granddaughters. There were eight of us. We talked and heard stories and laughed together.

God Sighting Number Four

We drove into Kentucky and visited Abraham Lincoln’s Birthplace. At the Visitors Center, we asked if there was a way to get to the Memorial Building that didn’t require a lot of walking. They had a boardwalk that went through a wooded area that was breathtaking. There were benches every so often for those who needed to rest.
Going to the Memorial Building, the walk was slightly uphill. Coming back down was easier. As we sat on the benches, we remarked how peaceful the park was. God was there with us.

God Sightings Here at Home

This past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. The speaker talked about God’s Miracles, in the Bible, and in our present lives.

During our Worship Service, we received communion by intinction. The pastor stands at the front of the sanctuary and holds the bread. A second person holds the grape juice. The congregants go to the front of the sanctuary and receive the element.

Due to our outgoing pastor being on vacation, a retired pastor in our congregation and a gentleman who is ordained served the elements. The retired pastor has health issues that sometimes interfere with him and his wife being able to be present. As I entered the aisle from my pew. His wife told me that he had not been able to stand alone for some time. There he was standing there holding the chalice for all who came forward. My response to her was that it was God allowing it I have since found out that he did the same thing in the earlier service as well.

Our Lay speaker had a guest give his testimony near the end of the service. His story was one of God’s grace and love toward him during his recovery from a choice he made to end his life. At the end of the service, those of congregation who felt led could come forward and lay hands on him and pray. The majority of those present went down and prayed for this man.


  1. What a wonderful post, to think about the "God sightings" around you. That is a good habit to have...I need to think about that more often. If we look for the positive things that people do, and realize that it is a blessing from God, it encourages us to know that God is at work all around us, even in some the little things we don't think about that way. Thank you for this. It has made me think more about what I am seeing...

    1. Pam, Thank you for your comment. Just today, I was in a hardware store in our neighborhood. The staff there did nothing to impress me about their customer service skills. As I was exiting the store with a garden hose on my right arm and my cane in my left hand, I had a rather scathing thought about that lack of people skills the had shown. Just as I got the thought in my brain, I heard a voice say, "Let me help you with that." I thought he was going to get the doors for me. Instead he asked for my rolled up garden hose and led the way to my car. That was truly a God sighting for me.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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