Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Faith is The Basis

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And he said to her, “Daughter your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.” Mark 5:34

We all know the story of Jesus being en route to the synagogue ruler’s home to tend to the ruler’s sick young daughter. We also read where a woman interrupted His journey.

He knew someone had touched His clothing. The disciples couldn’t believe that Jesus would be concerned about someone touching His garments in the crowd.

When the woman comes forward and tells Jesus the story about why she touched his clothing, the LORD does not chide or berate her, instead, He calmly tells her that her faith had made her well. He bids her to go in peace and to be healed of your disease.

Without her faith, the woman would not have tried to approach the LORD. She would not have been healed. She could not have found peace.

We have times when our circumstances get the best of us. We don’t know what to do about them. We have a LORD who cares enough about each of us that we can go to Him and request His help and guidance as we advance in seeking solace about our condition.

Please pray for Aaron Blackford. He's 42, a widower with three children, a 19-year-old son who is a college freshman and two daughters ages 12 and 10. He was in a plane crash in Lansing Michigan twelve days ago. There were six of them on the plane. He is the only survivor. He is a member of our church. 


  1. I was just reading that story this week and I was amazed that the woman still had faith for healing after 12 years of sickness! A great example.

    About your church member Aaron, unbelievable tragedy, why is he the only survivor? Only God knows. Testimony will come out of his mouth in due time.

  2. Marja: I hadn't thought about the length of time the woman had been ill. Her faith must have been very strong. You are right about Aaron, God knows why. He is supposed to undergo a couple of surgeries this week. Peace and blessings.


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