Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Reflections

Image result for april 2020 calendar

April came and is almost history. This has been the most unusual month of my life.

I have not written much this month. My experience with a medical boot was not a positive one. (Think 15-pound weight on your leg.) The nicest thing I can say about that apparatus is that it was a nice neutral color-a pale gray. It would go with all my sweatpants. On April 20, after some discussion with Hubby, I chose to come out of it and put on a regular shoe.

I received a phone call from the orthopedics office on April 30th. They had to reschedule my appointment again. My new appointment is on May 28th. That is just short of three months since I fell.

I have been journaling throughout this time. Some of the entries are thoughts on certain scriptures. Others are about Coronavirus and its effect on people.
I have spent this time reading devotional books.

1.)    From Suffering to Salvation. It incorporates writings of Henri Nouwen and thoughts by Christopher Klofft.

2.)    Walking Together in Our Faith Journey assembled by our pastor and his wife, containing devotions written by a few of us at our church and pastor friends and mentors they have had.
Our Sunday school class will continue working through these at such time as we can meet for worship and study. I am re-reading the daily entries.

I am slowly doing research on the Apostle Paul. I am stymied on what foods a Roman prisoner would eat.  

Those of us who live in my state, Indiana, will find out on May 1 whether our shelter-in-place restriction will end and if we will have a schedule for the re-opening of our state.

Our prayer ministry group has been meeting via conference call about twice a week. It is a time we all look forward to.

Our street is the main route to a hospital. Usually, traffic past our house is steady. Of late, that traffic has been sparse. When the weather is nice and warm, I sit on our enclosed front porch for a few hours.

On Easter Sunday, those of our church who could created a parade and drove past our pastor and his wife’s home to tell them how much we appreciated them. I recently saw pictures of the signs the participants created to convey words of thanks to them. One of the Indy channels received word of the plans and sent a photojournalist up to record the event. We made the newscasts for about a day and a half.

As we await the decisions about our lives reopening, let us all remember Who is ultimately in charge.
Peace and Blessings to you all.


  1. Wonderful post. I hope your foot/ankle are much better now, and that when you are able to be out and about again, you will be ready! I guess the only good thing is you had this time to heal and recuperate without feeling like you were missing going places. That's how I felt about my recuperation from my surgery too. I was able to stay home and not worry about how I look or feel and can just heal. I love what your church did with the parade. What a nice idea. And yes, I've had the little song in my mind this morning, "God is in control. We believe that His children will not be forsaken..." (by Twila Paris). I remember teaching that song to our VBS children many years ago, and it has stuck with me all these years. It's so true. Have a blessed and beautiful day and MAY!!

    1. Pam: Thank you for the encouraging thoughts. Sometime today our governor will make an announcement about opening the state. I really wish he would wait and let those new case numbers decrease for the recommended 14 days. But, I am one small person. I hear that our worship services will be different from what we have been used to. Peace and blessings.

  2. Thank you for your musings Cecelia and I hope your foot will heal completely. Glad you have used the time to read and ponder :)

    1. Marja: You are welcome. Right now, we are dealing with shortages. I found out this afternoon that an item I ordered online was cancelled by the site and they didn't bother to notify me. Things like that frustrate me. Peace and blessings.


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