Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rest and Guidance

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 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters.

 Psalm 23:2 (NIV)

What does this verse mean to us who live in the 21st Century?

He makes me lie down
 God allows us time to rest and recover from those times when we have suffered loss or have been harmed. When a family loses a loved one, Our Father allows them to grieve the loss.

 in green pastures
As children, we may have laid down in our yards and watched the clouds in the sky. I remember rolling down an embankment of grass and squealing with delight that it was a fun thing to do.
 what He can do for us.

 he leads me beside quiet waters.

God takes us, as He took David, into calming settings in order to talk to us. Have you ever watched fish in an aquarium?

When my stepmother underwent radiation therapy, the lobby of that area had two fish tanks built into the walls. I found it peaceful to watch as I waited for her daily treatment to be completed.

As we wait for the stay-at-home orders to be lifted, we must listen to God’s voice as He guides us through each of our days.


  1. You have written about my favorite passage of all time...and probably the main reason why I am now living "Beside Still Waters Pond", where I am having my soul restored daily. One doesn't have to literally live beside a pond to be restored...just needs to have a desire to be at peace with the Lord wherever we may be...even in a doctor's office lobby watching fish in an aquarium...God uses many ways to calm our fears and restore the peace in our souls. We just need to allow Him to do this and not resist His calming balm to our souls. Thank you for this excellent post that we all need to listen to today.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We all need restoration from time to time. We think we have things under control and then we find we don't. We are blessed to have God's Word to guide us through those times we have to wait and for those times of doubt. Peace and blessings.


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