Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter to You

See the source image 
Our pastor, Rick Jones, has preached each Sunday through Lent via YouTube. Today's message was particularly special to me. I had hoped to share that video here but this that knowledge is above my skill level.

To see it go to YouTube videos and put in CRUMCanderson. The message for today is appropriately called "He Is Risen"


  1. Hope you had a happy Easter Cecelia. To celebrate that Jesus conquered death, just as he said indeed. I will rise...

    1. Thank you. Our church members that could surprised out pastor and his wife by holding a parade past their house. I suggested we call one of the Indy TV Channels and let them know about our plan. The channel came and has shown footage three times since then.

      Hubby and I had a nice evening meal. A friend recorded some footage of her singing hymns and put the videos on Facebook.


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