Thursday, May 21, 2020

What Do We Do Pray; How Do We Pray?

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This, then, is how you should pray
 Matthew 6:9 (NIV)

When we are asked to pray about a request for a friend and that request causes us great concern. How do we pray? Do we pray as that person asks?

Several years ago, I was asked to pray for a family who had lost their son because of domestic violence. A friend knew this family. The perpetrator was caught and faced trial. During the trial, another friend asked me to pray for the perpetrator, the wife of the deceased man. My second friend was acquainted with some of the wife’s family through where she worked.

I was confused about how to pray for this situation. I muddled about it for a couple of days. Then, I somehow heard the words, “Why aren’t you praying for My Will?”

Do we sometimes forget to pray for that request? I practice praying for a request at the time I receive it, be it in person or over the phone and even online.

Presently, several of my requests I place before the LORD are simply that His presence be felt by a friend who is in stage 4 cancer. Another request is that God allows His Will to guide someone who is considering relocating back to our area.

We pray for God’s Will for any request. When we pray, we pray for the Lord to intervene and allow Him to work out the perceived need according to what He wants for that person.


  1. When we pray for God's will to be done, it lets us off the hook. We are not praying selfishly, but praying for God's will, and that will always be the right answer! Praying with you for those who are needing healing and guidance from the Lord. Amen.

    1. Pam: Jesus relinquished His will for His Father's. You are right when you say we do not pray selfishly when we pray for God's will.

  2. does Romans 8:26 help: "And in like manner the Spirit joins also its help to our weakness; for we do not know what we should pray for as is fitting, but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered".
    We may not know what to pray but we are attached to a whole system of intercession.

    1. David: Thanks for droppin by. In the past, when I have heard of a difficult request, I used to ask the person,"How do you want me to pray?" The majority of the time I was asked to pray for God's will. When we pray that way for ourselves, we have to live close enough to God to be able to accept that outcome He has for us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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