Monday, May 25, 2020

Thoughts on Memorial Day

See the source image
Wallpaper Cave

My grandpa on my dad's side of my family fought in World War 1. His grandfather fought in the Civil War and died at Andersonville Prison in Georgia.

My dad served in the United States Marine Corps and fought in World War  2 and the Korean War. He was not in Korea but was stationed in Puerto Rico.

My uncle served in the Army in the 1950s. He was stationed in Germany.  He had a friend whose brother was a career Marine. That brother died in Vietnam.

My husband served in the United States Navy during the 1960s. He is considered a Vietnam Era veteran.

Yesterday, I began thinking about how blessed I have been that the men that I knew/know in my family were able to return home. Then I thought of some of the guys I was in college with who didn't have that opportunity. I remember one of the boys from my high school class also didn't return home to his family.

I will try to remember that Memorial Day is a day to remember those who gave their lives for our

     I first saw this picture on the cover of my seventh grade  U.S.History book.  I always think of it when I think of the Marines of the Pacific and the sacrifices they made.


  1. Thank you for sharing your remembrances and the blessing it is to have the loved ones in your family who were able to return home. Such a sadness to think of those families who didn't see their loved ones. Its a special day to remember all those who gave their lives for our freedom. Living in Japan for many years, I confess I sometimes "forgoet", but thankfully I was able to experience this day this year in a new way thanks to prayer and fellowship and remembering with some of my new American sisters in Christ. God bless America. Blessings and Love to you.

    1. Thank you, Shayndel. As I have gotten older these days honoring our service men have become more important to me.

  2. So thankful for your family's service to our country. It is because of men like them that we have the freedoms we enjoy so much today. Yes, we are thankful for those who were able to come back home, and also eternally grateful for those who sacrificed their lives on foreign soil so that we could continue to keep our soil here intact. May we never forget nor take these sacrifices for granted. We have much to lose if we forget. Great post.

  3. Wow Cecelia, such a great military history in your family, something to be proud of. I have a nephew who did two tours of duty to Afghanistan.


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