Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Forget Not God’s Benefits

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Praise the LORD, O my soul and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desire with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103:2-5 (NIV)

David penned these words of praise. With these words, He reminds us of the wonderful gifts the LORD bestows on us, His children. 

forgives all your sins

God, our Father covers our sin with His grace, mercy, and love. All we must do is ask.

heals all your diseases,

He guides us to find ways to control, cure, and to heal our bodies from disease and disorder. He determines whether our healing comes while we are on earth or in heaven with Him.

redeems your life from the pit

When we follow God’s guidance and direction our lives can be lived on a higher level. We do not speak the same language we did before we met Christ. We do not frequent the same places or watch the same shows on television.

crowns you with love and compassion

Our Father looks at us with love and compassion, not contempt, even when we sin.
He stands with us and hurts with us when we go through suffering and times we do not understand.

satisfies your desire with good things
Our Redeemer chooses to give us, His children, things to lighten our cares and help us through issues that cause us concern.

your youth is renewed like the eagles.

God gives us all these benefits in order that we can rise above those trying circumstances that come our way as we walk through life.


  1. Oh Cecelia, how I love Psalm 103, the best benefit package a person can have! Each verse is a jewel, thanks for sharing.

    1. Marja: I always find the Psalms encouraging when I am on an emotional down. Our Sunday school teacher asked my friend Martha what we could study when we got to meet again as a class. She suggested the Psalms. It was his suggestion that we select some that were meaningful to each of us and study them during this quaratine. We have had worship services for two Sundays. Sunday school and mid-week worship will not begin until September. Some of us are still cautious of the re-opening of our state.


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