Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Voice of God


But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

In my recent reading, I learned that God’s voice was present before the written Word of God.

In the book of Genesis, we see several instances of God saying the words and the world came into being. (Genesis 1)

Moses heard God’s voice when he chose to investigate the bush that burned but was not consumed. (Exodus 3)

Moses heard God’s voice call him up to the mountaintop to give him the stone tablets with the 10 Commandments inscribed on them. (Exodus 19)
Abraham heard God’s voice when God instructed him to move away from his homeland. God did not reveal Abraham’s destination at that time.

Abraham heard God speak to him when God told him to take Isaac and go to Mount Moriah and sacrifice Isaac. (Genesis 22)

Samuel heard God’s voice when he was a small boy. His mentor, Eli did not recognize it to be God’s voice at first. (1 Samuel 3)

Samuel heard God’s voice another time when he was searching for someone to replace King Saul. ( 1 Samuel 16:7)

Can we hear God’s voice today? Yes, we can, if we listen and learn to recognize it.
To recognize the Voice of God, we must be actively pursuing Him. We do that through prayer and worship.

In my walk with Christ, I have had numerous times of hearing God’s voice. Some of those times, I was like Eli. I did not recognize it as God speaking to me.

God’s speaking to me at one time kept me from participating in an activity at a church I was in. He had a reason I was to be home that evening. Because of my decision not to attend, I was home to hear that my dad was having heart issues. That led to Hubby and me taking him for an appointment that led to heart surgery. It was later that I realized that God had guided me to be home when Dad called and said he needed to talk to us.

Coming out of the shutdown of our state courtesy of this pandemic in mid- May, I contacted my hairstylist to see if she had opened her shop. She had not and, if she did, it would be early June, and not before. A short while later the thought came to me that she was not going to open again. Toward the end of May, she called me. I casually asked her if she had made her decision. “That’s why I am calling you. I have officially retired from the hair business.” I was not surprised. I realized later why. It came to me that God had spoken to me. I am sure He spoke to her as well.

When God speaks to us, His children, we must listen.                                                                                                                             


  1. I believe He often speaks to us, however we do not always recognize the voice because it is subtle. I heard God speak to me a few times loud and clear, at other times it came more in the form of a thought or prompting or revelation about something. Great post Cecelia, thanks.

    1. Marja: Your thought is the same as mine. I have had many times when a thought occured to me and I passed it off. That just happened to me at the grocery store this week. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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