Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mighty God,



He shall be called. . . Mighty God. . . Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)


God has no equal in this world. He is invincible. All victory belongs to Him. All things are under His control.


Although, the enemy rattles his sabers, tries to gain control of our world. It is basic to our Christian belief that we withstand the onslaught of the enemy and allow Jesus to remain victorious over our world.


As the time for Christ’s return approaches, we must learn to worship Him fully and truly, recognizing Him for who he is. . .the Mighty God.



  1. So thankful for our Mighty God! We need His strength and power in our world today. It's there, but we don't seem to recognize it. We want to keep doing things "our way". But God's power is all powerful, and He will never let us down. Praise God!

  2. Pam: Speaking for myself, I only recognized my need for his strength and power as I matured in Him. My way is not that important when I compare what I can do to what He has done and will do for me.


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